Roblox Gameplay - Zombie Tag! 3 CODES and How to escape Chapter 1 and 3!
🧠 Roblox Zombie Tag! 3 CODES and How to escape Chapter 1 and 3! Loud Warning!
In this video, I played Roblox Zombie Tag! I have 3 Working Codes to share and I will also show you how to escape Chapter 1 - Graveyard and Chapter 3 - Desert Ruins map! It's a Tag game with 3 maps of escape game features. Escape game like piggy style but forever on infection mode.
How to key in the codes: It is not on your game screen, You have to look for a board in the lobby that says PROMO CODE, key in the code and press USE button to redeem it.
There's currently 6 maps in the game (Graveyard, City, Desert Ruins, Titanic, Hospital and Woods) but only 3 of them (Graveyard, City and Desert Ruins) contains the escape feature. In all the 3 chapters you basically need to find keys to unlock safes and get the items to fix up the helicopter to escape. If you happen to go to the other 3 maps without the escape feature, it will be just a normal zombie tag game. The keys would not spawn immediately once you load into the map also the zombie player selection, it will take a few seconds where they select a player to become the zombie who is suppose to infect the other players and make them zombies, then the keys will also spawn around the map.
-- Use these time point to skip to the section in the video:
0:02:08 We loaded into chapter 3 but I got stuck and can't seem to move!
0:03:14 Codes Time!
0:03:50 Chapter 1 - Graveyard Map! Chocolate is the zombie and she's helping me!
0:04:22 Found the red key as it spawn right in front of me!
0:04:49 Opened the red safe and got a wrench!
0:05:23 Found the orange key! The safe was very near there! I got the cogs from the orange safe!
0:05:46 Found the blue key! Chocolate showed me where the blue safe was!
0:06:15 Opened the blue safe and got the bolt cutter!
0:07:07 Found the purple key!
0:07:26 Found the purple safe and got the last item for the escape helicopter - Gas Tank!
0:07:55 I did it, I escaped chapter 1 - Graveyard!
0:09:03 Chapter 3 - Desert Ruins Map! We have lots of players with us this time but is this GOOD OR BAD! WATCH TO KNOW!
0:09:40 I found the Orange Key!
0:09:54 Found the Orange Safe! Got the Cogs for the helicopter!
0:10:15 WAIT WATCH THIS PART - I was holding on to the cog and ran into the zombie but I was fine, didn't get infected! Is this a glitch?
0:10:39 Showing chocolate who is carrying the blue key where the blue safe was! I got the Bolt Cutter!
0:11:32 Somebody already took the red safe's wrench, so lets look for the purple key!
0:11:39 This girl has been holding on to the purple key and not doing anything with it! WE ALL HAD TO CHASE HER AROUND AND CALL AFTER HER TO GET HER ATTENTION!
0:12:12 I think she finally understands COME FOLLOW US!
0:12:30 FINALLY after like ONE WHOLE MINUTE she opened the safe and she got the last item - Gas Tank! WILL SHE KNOW WHERE TO PLACE IT?
0:12:47 FINALLY she did something right and we escaped Chapter 3 - Desert Ruins Map!
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-- Roblox Zombie Tag By The Gang Stockholm
-- About Zombie Tag
🔥 How to play 🔥
Humans: Avoid getting infected by zombies and survive!
Zombies: Infect the humans!
X2 Weekend
💰 Coins X2
🧠 Brains X2
Latest code: chapter2
🔥🔥 Chapter 3 - OUT NOW !!!! 🔥🔥
Humans: collect all keys, unlock each safe, run to the helicopter
Zombies: Infect the humans!
Update 5 - 12th of June
The latest 2 updates is a test with piggy and kitty style chapters, let us know if you like it!
Roblox Zombie Tag Created 4/15/2020, Updated 6/13/2020, Max Players 50, Genre All. (Online Multiplayer Game, Zombie Tag, chapter 3, Escape, Codes)
-- Yesterday Gamelog
- Roblox Jester Story Game! EVIL JESTER seeking revenge! -
Let me know in the comment what game you would like to see me play.
I Love you all Chloe Tubers!
Roblox Zombie Tag Gameplay / Chloe Lim June 2020 Gamelog / #ZombieTag / #Chapter3 / #Escape