Zombie Apocalypse Guide: Day One

in #zombies7 years ago

It was another standard day in the office. Mindlessly being a desk drone, drinking coffee, discussing bitcoins, complaining about the air conditioning being too cold. The. Usual. As the day went on, today I dazed off Secret Life of Walter Mitty style. This time it was about a zombie apocalypse and it made me think. Do any of us really have a plan ready? While I normally tend to write about music, I'm going to start a sub-thread about Zombies, mainly for my love of zombie movies and tv shows.

What would you do first in a zombie apocalypse?

Ok. So its a weekend with no work. Facebook starts clogging up with status's about a virus outbreak, and friends start texting you asking if you've seen the news. The news is showing chaos and riots. Meanwhile, your in bed halfway through another season of Suits on Netflix and haven't put pants on yet (and to be honest, didn't really intend to for the rest of the weekend). Your not a doomsdays prepper in a bunker, and you've only got 2 days worth of pizza left.

Across this post, I'm going to post my plan for Day One only, and over time Ill add extra plans. I strongly encourage you (yes YOU... reading this) to comment what your plan of action on Day One would be, and then re-steem so others can read what YOU would do.

Day One

At this point the outbreak is still in progress and hasn't hit critical mass. I believe most people would still be unaware of whats going on, the average family semi aware would be awaiting news from authorities after the last message to stay indoors, and the rest would be trying to get a good Snapchat shot of the carnage for... whatever reason (better then the dog filter photos). So my first action.... I need food and fuel.

Fuel would come first. I would drive to the closest petrol station to fill up. If theres a bit of a queue, thats fine... if theres too much, Ill drive to another. I dont expect swarms of zombies walking the streets at this point. I lock my car door as I fill up, and I put my keys in my pocket. The reasoning is, if someone is desperate I dont want to make a car jacking easy on them, so locked door and keys in pocket is going to make it harder for the opportunist. Id grab an armful of water or drinks (if any left), and just junk food or whatevers close to the counter (maybe some beef jerky and cheetos). If there is rioting, I wont pay for it and I'll just go. If there isnt and its just busy, I'll just throw it all on credit card. If theres any batteries I'll grab a handfull of them as well.

My next stop is food. If traffic is heavy I'll head to an outlying convenience store. I'm in Australia so there's always smaller stores called IGA and Foodworks, which still have plenty of food but charge a bit more to avoid the crowds. Else, if traffic is low, there's not too much rioting, and no zombies trudging forwards like they are stuck in a cinema line.... then I'll head to a larger shopping center.

My list of essentials in my rush;

Bottled water
Bulk Canned foods - preference on stews with meats, tuna and beans (not so much fruits and vegetables, they are secondary)
A large bag of dog food (not for me, I have a dog and on Day One I'm not quite reeady to abandon her)
Boxes of cereal
Long Life Milk and Coffee (this is going to be worth more then bitcoin a month into the apocalypse)

And a Hustler mag.... because... well.. theres no internet in a longterm blackout.

If it is quiet, I might do a second cart of goods.... the staff would be very confused in this case. Id probably tell them whats happening. If its a riot, I grab what I can in a trolley and get out.

After I've got my fuel and food its straight back home. My car goes in the garage (reversed in for a speedy escape if required), and I let my dog in. I fill my bathtub and all free bottles up with water. I lock up. Luckily I dont have many windows, but the ones I do Ill curtain and then stack furniture in-front of it. I then hop on my computer and phone while power is still on, and I try to contact friends and family for their plans while I try to read whats happened and where is effected the heaviest. At this point I'm locked in, I'm educating myself on the situation, and I'm prepared to stay or leave at a moments notice.

Comment what you would do on Day One of a Zombie outbreak and re-steem so more people can see your response. Im keen to read what you would do on the first day. Be sure to upvote anyone who has good plans. We are a community on Steemit, so lets reward anyone who puts some thought into their comments.



Here is a photo of me dressed up as a Zombie for Halloween


wow looking like real zombie am scared

Oh wot is it with the zombies that thing scare children.

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