Zen Colouring Contest #19 : An Entry
This is my submission for Zen Colouring Contest #19 organized by @magiccleatus.
And I choose Coral 2 for next week's color.
This contest is about coloring a provided zen lineart. More descriptions here:
This is my submission for Zen Colouring Contest #19 organized by @magiccleatus.
And I choose Coral 2 for next week's color.
This contest is about coloring a provided zen lineart. More descriptions here:
I have to say, this is my favorite. Spectacular and super creative. I love the watercolor texture
Go to @bible.com
The linear shading is very interesting, it achieves an excellent effect and fulfills its purpose but with a different style. Until now I have not seen them use it in illustrations. Excellent post, greetings.
Hai bang @m03kr1 lama tak bertemu
Selamat idhul fitri yaa maapin jika Ada khilaf, Jika may kasih amplop Hari raya masih diterima 😁😁
Posted using Partiko Android
Iye iye ane maapin neng
Posted using Partiko Android
Tengkyu bang, jangan hanya maap tapi amplopnya juga dong 🤩🤩🤩 awesome
Posted using Partiko Android
Huuu kaya senna luhh.. 😁😁
Posted using Partiko Android
Posted using Partiko Android
hihihi @dwiitavita ya saya maapin wkwkwkwkwk sama-sama ya.
kalo amplop mah minta sama @sentanu74 noh kaya sbd dia
Ini sebenarnya kontes mewarnai atau kontes fashion?
The Best comments of the day haha
Posted using Partiko Android
Kontes nyabyi bang. Jurinya si bawel @dwiitavita ✌😘😘
Posted using Partiko Android
Cakep banget ih gaunnya 💓💓💓💓
di crop terus di bawa ke tukang jahit mbak, buat model hehehehe
Iku Liontinnya gede amat
arep apa kang, di copot baen kue digawe akik
I like the green and blue colour scheme, the shading and textures within the stencil are very effective. I love the decorative chest piece concept!
Welcome to the #zencolouringcontest, thank you for participating!
Please name your suggestion for next week's featured colour!
Ok, I've edited it on my post, my suggestion is Coral 2
thanks @magiccleatus
Bu guru nggendong walang tlepong
Setelah belalang tempur punya abang, Ada wonder lady bug bang @anomt dan yang ini Xena locust warrior haha
Posted using Partiko Android
hai, you are very good yak, ngono bae lah
matur tengkyu yak
nembeke tangi terus ndandani bu guru kaya kue, aja ngiri loh
Buguru ne sapa man
Posted using Partiko Android
kasih tau ngak yah?
Paman jagung, dikasih tau ngak nih :D
Interesting idea! Really good entry!
May be you will be interested in a new competition? https://steemit.com/quotizm/@peliken/quotizm-art-challenge-round-1