What the Bleep Are You Thinking?

in #zen8 years ago

How often do you find your head swimming in thoughts?  Thoughts like: What am I going to do?  How could they do that to me? Where will I find the time to accomplish this or that? I am such a klutz. I can never get anything right. Compare that to the amount of time you spend experiencing inner peace, flow and bliss. How do your negative thoughts measure up to the positive ones?

For most people, it is probably a scary comparison. Negative thoughts overpower our minds way more than thoughts of flow and clarity.  It seems that our thoughts are continually interrupted by other thoughts, usually by the negative and frustrating thoughts about the past or future.

Our thoughts have the power to do us more harm than good.

Take a moment and think about your worst enemy and how much time you spend thinking about that person, thing or situation.  Really, do you spend more time thinking about it or are you more concerned about how they think of you?  How does this harm you? How do these thought serve you?

The key to preventing harm to yourself through your thoughts is to watch them, to be aware of them. Yes, sometimes we are angry, frustrated, overwhelmed and negative.  That’s human.  But, we also have within us the mechanism in our brains to stop those thoughts, to gently gather them up and release them with positive thoughts, to be aware of what we are thinking and be the watcher, as Eckhart Tolle teaches.

It may be difficult at first, but practice it just once a day, even for 30 seconds, and see what happens.  When a negative thought enters your mind, replace it with a positive mantra, thought or quote. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that this thought is not allowed. Thank it for coming and send it on its way. You will find that it soon will provide some amazing insights into your thoughts and patterns of life.  

Sat. Chit. Ananda.
Existence. Consciousness. Bliss 


@mazi Nice post! One of the realizations people can come to is that the thoughts are not "our" thoughts at all. They are merely the thoughts of the body/mind.

Yes! I have found that releasing thoughts that don't serve you significantly reduces your stress, and increases your peace of mind. I don't think we release how heavy negative thoughts are to carry around.

It's like carrying excess baggage around! We don't even know how heavy it is.