Zelda : BOTW is visually and, gamewise pretty lazy.
Just to avoid any hate or, any confusions. I want to point out and, explain some key factors why zelda breath of the wild just isn't that great. First, Let's do a comparision to starfox Adventure to Zelda: BOTW. I want to see how a 2017 game just overall. didn't like up and, perform as well as it should have.
So first, let's talk artwork . Breath of the wild uses a basic mix of what Bayonetta on the switch uses with an over saturation of bloom to soften up. The textures to look smoother. When, the quality of the textures are really sub par. Below is a example of a texture ripped from breath of the wild. Here is a basic eye texture at a resolution of 64x64 A resolution you would see in very early snes, n64, and ps1 game texture . Which when looked at close just look really ugly.
Now, let's looks at a texture a user made for a sonic werehog eye texture. You will notice unlike Nintendo the attention to detail is wonderful.
Did you notice something? Nintendo textures are so low quality amd, sub par . When you try to zoom in on it. It get's really pixelated. Meanwhile, the man made Sonic eye texture keeps it's smoothness in HD. Meaning if you were to remove the bloom effect from Breath of the wild. You will start to notice the big tripple game you may have bought. Will start to not be as youd wan't for the hefty price Nintendo wanted.
But, lefts go further. Let's pull up Starfox adventure and, compaire how it looks from 2008 to a 2017 game.
Youch, Starfox not only did more on theNintendoo gamecube. But, it had spa/ bump mapping. So rocks looked wet, caves would glisten, when fox was in the water he would look wet, the wind would blow his fur effects, while the sun would do as it should. Now let's look at BOTW. Not only is it only just using bloom to try to mask anything.
The only effect it's really doing is grass and, wind on a system that's 3 console upgrades from the gamecube. Wich from a animators point of view. That only starts to show how inferier the console really is. When , you start adding on how repetative dungeons were. The opening world looks like a stretch obj model. Just to make you feel like the world. Is much bigger when it's really not.
While, I can add BOTW suffers from one of the weakest if not most forgettable osts the Zelda series has been given. compaired to a celtic remix a youtuber done based on Zelda: Link's awakening.
Compaired to other renditions by fans. BOTW ost just come off as lazy and, uninspired. When , you continue to break down areas of the game. That refference the minish cap. Has no minish, no 4 sword, the exclussion of Vatto, and other characters besides reused of what feels like edits of Wind waker to mid Skyward sword style remodel edits.
Nothing really stands out. When, you motice it just feels like it's trying way to hard to copy Skyrim . Rather, than be a stand alone zelda title. When , you compare it to the beta version. Wich you can see below, BOTW just feels like a heavy downgrade. While, a ton of good ideas was tossed aside for more streamlined side questing replacements and, just repetative uncreative areas. Feelling less like a Zelda and, more like a meh cross over game.
You will notice the early E3 version has a toon of glossy floors, really nice fire lighting, improved spider fighting AI sadly we never got.
Just seeing what we got verse what we could have gotten. Just feels like a rushed product. Wich Nintendo being Nintendo just tried to over shadow with Mario Odessy, and more Splatoon dlc. So people continue to forget. Nintendo does try to mask alot of mistakes. That people should remember.
Nintendo isn't perfect. but, giving people a unfinished game. A price tag that rivals better created games on better consoles. Heck some fan games still look far better than, this low res game. Starfox horizon is a very good example of fans doing what Nintendon't.