Reissue of Between his fingers, the magic - Original poem
Greetings, Steemians!
The reissue is inspired by the photo, that to me, is mysterious by the magic of the dew. Mystery has caught our attention since ancient times. The drops of dew with its magical universe have penetrated the infinite veils of human fascination for the minuscule, which holds so many secrets. Each drop is in itself a door to the unknown which, for that very reason, invites us to cross, transforming itself into a magical portal for our dream trips and fantasies.
Between his fingers, the magic
The Infinite,
lost in the lethargy
of immense
grey skies,
makes dance
the dewdrops
in an smile.
Like a miracle,
his will
full of creatures
the heaven.
And between
his fingers,
the magic.
A silence
of two notes
that rise
about nights
without names
An abyss
what saves
between now
and always.
An aurora
what plasma
The eternal
in seconds.
The nothing,
the vacuum
full of lights
and the life that is being,
renewing itself.
The mystery
looking at each other
in the mirror
of the unnameable.
A universe
that wakes up
with every stealth
of silence.
And, hanging,
among so much magnificence,
looking for us
in others.
Entre sus dedos, magia
01/10/18 Photo by Ionut Coman Photographer on Unsplash Visual Art of the Human Body by Cecelia Webber ¡Te abrazo infinitamente, @onthewayout!
perdido en el letargo
de inmensos cielos grises,
hace bailar
desnudas gotas de rocío
en una sonrisa sin dueño.
su voluntad
llena de criaturas
serpenteantes el cielo.
Y entre sus dedos,
de dos notas
que se alzan
sobre noches
sin nombres.
que salva
la distancia
entre ahora
y siempre.
que plasma
lo eterno
en segundos.
el vacío
lleno de luces
y vida
a sí misma.
en el espejo
de lo innombrable.
que despierta
con cada sigiloso
del silencio.
de tanta magnificencia,
en otros.
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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.
Thank you very much for the deference, @tts. I was thrilled to hear the spoken version of the poem.