Just Because Someone Is intelligent Or Seems So!
Just because someone is intelligent or seems so, it doesn't mean they have the required critical thinking skills that are required to be a leader. #zappl #JustAthought #life #logical #informed
Just because someone is intelligent or seems so, it doesn't mean they have the required critical thinking skills that are required to be a leader. #zappl #JustAthought #life #logical #informed
best thinking, zappl
You hit the nail on the head on this one. A leader requires more than critical thinking to pull it off.
Excellent post.
((((( Resteem Service)))))
Best work. thanks for sharing.
Upvote Resteem
Great thinkable point.
best thinking.
100% like and resteem
Great work @zappl
best thinking and working
Outstanding post and narrative. Thank you for sharing!
Thats true, there are 3 types of Intelligence IQ EQ SQ.
having a great IQ doesnt mean you will be good in the other 2.