I have a theory. (zippityzipzapzappl)

in #zappl7 years ago (edited)

The people eating Tide Pods are the offspring of the people who were spared when lawn darts were banned.


Hehehehahaha YOU HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR... I see!

I can't! It's too much fun.


You deserve a double dose. There is nothing funning about people dying no matter how stupid they are. You should be ashamed.

You're right. I feel so ashamed. My god, what have I been doing with my life?
That's it. I'm throwing in the towel. You convinced me, @doc.hodes. 100%. I'm turning over a new leaf today and I promise I'll be a good boy from now on.

Do us all a favor and don't be one of those people who goes out of their way to be offended by everything. Offense has no real purpose and gives people a false sense of entitlement.

Yeah, Winston - Don't be so condensing!

Please don't be so condensing. Other than one lapse of judgement, you have a very enjoyable and human friendly blog. But you should be ashamed for trying to make a profit from death of others. Those morons (and they are morons) have families and friends. Steemit is better than You tube. Don't you think?

I'm very ashamed
NOW . . . I will hide.


I prefer dreft baby detergent. They haven't made them pods yet.


Thought you may appreciate this. Lol

I must admit, when I read about this latest "trend" of our youth, it brought to mind The Darwin awards.

At least you are aware and maybe you understand how precious life is. DO MORE!

You are a moron. People are dying. Shame on you.

WTF, man. Being offended by this post is very strange to me. If someone is dumb enough to eat LAUNDRY DETERGENT in front of a camera on a dare KKNNOOWWIINNGG that it's poison DESERVES to be made fun of. Yeah, it sucks if someone is injured or killed doing it, but they made the choice to do it and that's what they're going to be known for. Their purpose in life was to become an example of what NOT to do.

But here's the thing: I'm not profiting off of anyone's death. This stupid thing is a trend that's even being talked about in the newspapers. I'm profiting off of a funny comment I made about that stupid trend that stupid people are actually doing.
So please, get a grip.

Logan Paul walked into a "suicide forest" and made fun of someone who killed themselves and he did it for ratings and profit. How is this post any different? I can see, based on your other work that you are better than that. That is a sincere statement. The problem is real but making fun of it is not the answer. What if it was your child?

I'm sorry your son has autism. I didn't even know you had a son. The question was rhetorical. Best wishes to you. Like I said I can tell you are a good man who cares which is why the post perplexes me.

I'm squashing this here. I removed my previous comment because you got the point and it would be inappropriate to leave it there IMO. We have differences in what we find funny. I think it pretty much boils down to that and now we can move on.

Do you really think people dying is funny?

No death isn't funny, but people shouldn't be ignorant enough to eat something they know they shouldn't either... I laugh at those stupid people who do these kinds of things, and they probably to it just to get attention or "go with a trend", to look cool for their friends. Whatever the reason, it's their fault dude. Not mine... So don't come on my comment and start in with this "feel bad for the dead bullshit" because there are people out there who are fighting for their lives, while people who do this, give it up for nothing.

Death is natural and it only affects the living but tying to profit from it or laughing at it is sick. Shame on you.

You know what I think is funny? This fit you're having over a simple post.
The ironic part of it is that as you keep commenting, you're boosting this post's visibility. If you don't want me to profit from this post, maybe you shouldn't comment on it.

People die and you profit. I will look in the mirror tomorrow and have no problem. Will you? Can you say Logan Paul?

No, I will not feel guilty about a joke I made about people eating laundry detergent. It would be stupid if I did.

I made a comment about detergent and lawn darts.
Logan Paul filmed an actual dead body in a Japanese suicide forest.

Yeah, I can see how you could confuse the two.

I agree @winstonwolfe. And @doc.hodes maybe you should think about things before you just go shame crazy on peoples posts... Do you know me or @winstonwolfe or any of the other people you 'shamed'? No you don't, so don't go around shaming people for something that you feel is wrong. I could see one comment on the post if you really feel like it was needed... but come on dude. If it offends you, then just scroll past. No reason to be rude to everyone. People have their own opinions and you can't just expect to change their minds by being rude.

Haha! I think I am going to have to agree with your theory.

Do you really think people dying is funny? What kind of sick fuck are you? Can you say Logan Paul?

I am a sick ____ too? I didn't know that.


Excellent post, thanks for sharing

No it is not.

This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by your friendly @eastcoaststeem ran by Steemian @chelsea88

by resteeming this you disappointment me. can you say Logan Paul.

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