Burger with Friends
I along with a friend had burger yesterday. The burger was so yummy. Their behaviour was also good. Will go again. It took 250/=
#zappl #zappl-food #zapplfood

I along with a friend had burger yesterday. The burger was so yummy. Their behaviour was also good. Will go again. It took 250/=
#zappl #zappl-food #zapplfood
Woww tasty
Super wow!!! I really love hamburger can I have some😁??? Looks great & enticing to the viewers eye. Love it.
Ha Ha
yummmy it looks tasty 😍😍
Yeah it was delicious
looks delicious i like it. 😍
yeah it was
Delicious! What's the name of the place? Also what do you mean by "Their behavior was also good"?