Better Get Those Game Roms Now Or They Will Be Harder To Find
To all of those who are into playing old, classic console video games through emulators:
Better download and store all the game roms now in your hard drives before Nintendo clamps down on all the game roms download sites.

Nice info sir! GOdbless you!
Thanks a lot!
Great time to get them all and save them
Where is the link, @darthnava?
Link of what?
Game roms download sites, of course :)
Google it. Plenty will come up.
That’s what I’m afraid of. There are a lot of phishing sites, it is not easy to find a credible source, @darthnava. I thought you have one.
No phishing sites if you use an adblocker on your browser. The first 10 sites are usually credible.
OK, thanks, @darthnava.