Who Drinks this kinda stuff? Magic Elixir?
Am I the only "dude" who loves Kombucha? lol .... For many years people keep wondering what it is... it's just fermented tea with tons of health benefits. Would you ever drink it?

Am I the only "dude" who loves Kombucha? lol .... For many years people keep wondering what it is... it's just fermented tea with tons of health benefits. Would you ever drink it?
As someone who loves carbonation and sour things, it's always been one of my favorite beverages! People that hate vinegary tastes think it is absolutely awful though, which is funny...
I also really like sour beers and weird stuff like that, lol.
Yeah, been drinking it for years. I ran out yesterday, need to restock up :)
That stuff tastes amazing.
$3 each, it's getting expensive lol
I enjoy it, but when you make your own, looking at the bacterial culture is a little scary. It reminds me of a jelly fish.
I love kombucha. Me and my hubby @gregbit used to make it at home our own. Delicious. My favorite cranberries 😉
I tried making it myself once, it was disaster 😂
What are the benefits of this tea
I have no idea, Heard it was a great to alkaline your body lol ... I like the taste lol
Never tried it, but I have started drinking green tea more does that count?
Yeahhhh man, green tea is good also lol
Honestly, I can't tell if that stuff is just hard to make, or if I am just less competent than I thought in the kitchen. BUT, yes I love it, and a ton of my health-centric nursing school classmates love it too.
Nice post...Thank you for sharing👌👍