Deirdyweirdy ZAP - 20180801t113042349z
Man down, he barked plaintively, channeling his inner Lassie, desperate to alert passersby to the plight of his fallen master. But unlike in the movies, nobody heeded the pathetic pooch and finally, he was taken off to the dog pound.#zapfic

A lot of thanks that poor dog got. This was perfect.
I loved that show. I cried during every introduction, so I have been told. : (
Delighted to hear at least someone remembers Lassie. According to @janton, my pop culture allusions are too 20th century to be understood by anyone;)
I do remember you telling me that I was so 20th century before. Remeber the books on tape? LOL!
Haha, yes indeed I do. Looks like we have way more in common than we even realised;)
what?? is THAT what I said? haha! I just keep catching myself making references that most people would not understand because most are in their 20s and 30s on this platform! At least that's my impression, maybe I'm wrong but at least the majority are I believe.
lol. you're too funny deirdyweirdy..when are you going to give us another masterful drawing and story?
Perhaps there's hope for the millennials after all. Maybe in between munching on tide pods and throwing buckets of ice water over their heads, they're researching our cultural allusions;)
deirdyweirdy! hahaha! I don't know if there's any hope there but I hope there's hope there. yeah what is the deal with eating Tide pods? what does that do for ya? I thought they were trying to keep babies from those things I then I keep hearing about eating them?
I can understand if it were happening in Ireland but here in the U.S.? lol.
No sweetie, don't worry. It could never happen in the good old US of A!
ahhaha! no of course you're right. what am I thinking. ok well, I'm going over to see if you have another post and maybe some classy artwork? I'll try to restrain my comments, don't want people thinking I'm serious!
howdy deirdyweirdy! they took the dog but left his master lying there? Ya'll are cold over there! The artwork is stunning as usual, the dog looks angry to me, I can't blame him!
Haven't you ever seen a Lassie movie?
The poor pooch has had to run for miles to try to find a passerby whom he can lead to his master's location.
Are my references to popular culture wasted on you my sweet?
As for the artwork, he was meant to look doleful but me pencil slipped.
haha! well Ma'am now that you remind me of Lassie, yes that makes total sense. gosh I wonder what the average age of your readers are? most people would have no idea what Lassie is.
I remember watching that show when I was a kid.
haha! love the artwork as usual, slip or not!
You're absolutely correct, no one understands a word I say. I'm a dinosaur, an anachronism, firmly stuck in the 20th century. I'll have to brush up on my Justin Bieber and Kardashians ......or are they old hat as well?
deirdyweirdy! well, haha, you're a dinosaur? I don't think so. After all, the Kardashians and Justin Bieber are hotter than ever right now so you aren't out of it. Sometimes I WANT to be because the world of "pop stars" is so stupid! More educational to spend my time here on steemit, do you agree?
Aw shucks, thanks Mike.
Having a quick @deirdyweirdy catch up. Two class tales and a sad tail.
Hahaha, very clever m'dear!
brilliant but so sad. I loved it.
Thanks Robbie. You're a hopeless sentimentalist like meself!
Is there a metaphor :) about our society ?
So sad but I can't help but have a smile at the same time, conflicted emotions ahaha
Man's inhumanity to dog perhaps;)?