blechhhhhhhhhhhh. we had a skunk that stayed near our house (cuz our cats were outdoor cats and we left the big bowl of food out for them
remind me to tell you about the time when a mountain lion came to the back porch for cat food.
well. nevermind - dont' remind me, cuz that is basically the story. LOL
but the skunk.... he used to get scared around our house and then spray and it was SO close that it would wake me up gagging and i couldn't breathe!!!! even with the blankets around my nose - nope!!! that was so strong!!!!
i was FURIOUS!!!! every time!
and it wasn't the kind of smell that like.. you could just inhale deeply 5 times and get used to it. nooooooooooo way. the brain does NOT get accustomed to that stench.
so Milly would have to wear a tomato juice bag over her for those years. cuz i could not.
hahahaha gross! if they found a dead fish they'd probably not get that scent off of them for days hehehe
Milly tends to pick up smells and they last forever in her fur..
She got skunked once, and it was an underlying smell whenever she got a bath for years..
But they looooove rolling in random stuff..
blechhhhhhhhhhhh. we had a skunk that stayed near our house (cuz our cats were outdoor cats and we left the big bowl of food out for them
remind me to tell you about the time when a mountain lion came to the back porch for cat food.
well. nevermind - dont' remind me, cuz that is basically the story. LOL
but the skunk.... he used to get scared around our house and then spray and it was SO close that it would wake me up gagging and i couldn't breathe!!!! even with the blankets around my nose - nope!!! that was so strong!!!!
i was FURIOUS!!!! every time!
and it wasn't the kind of smell that like.. you could just inhale deeply 5 times and get used to it. nooooooooooo way. the brain does NOT get accustomed to that stench.
so Milly would have to wear a tomato juice bag over her for those years. cuz i could not.
it was a struggle for several weeks to be sure... it eventually faded but there was an underlying stink