We are waiting for you, 25000000 yoyow to be distributed | 我为币问打call

in #yoyow7 years ago is a blockchain based ask and answer platform like DelegateCall. You get paid from qualified questions and answers with YOYOW token. Yoyow is currently around $0.10/coin, and is publicly traded in many exchange plastforms like binance, okex, bitfinex, hellobts, lbank, hitbtc, and octbtc. The payout is on weekly basis on every Sunday, you can transfer your rewarded yoyow coins to any platform right away, no need to convert it to any other coin before you can monetize it.

Most minnows in steemit are struggling with getting upvotes. But at, your hard work and qualified answers will always be properly paid off. Even for a newbie, you can make pretty decent yoyow every week as long as you put time input it and provide qualified ask & answers.

Here's link to the site, it's in Chinese so far, but you should be able to figure out the translation for sign up with google translate. :) there are some English speaking people joined already. In order to promote the site, the rounder of named Peter is holding a "I'm waiting for you at Bitask" activity and will distribute 25000000 yoyow to all participants. What are you waiting for? :)

币问是内容平台的一股清流。 它不骄不躁,不阿谀奉承,一切由问答的质量来决定。新来的用户不要担心没有人支持,只要你的问/答够精彩,你就一定可以得到大家的支持。

币问每周的奖励在周日发放。发放形式以YOYOW 进行。 注册后可以直接和你的YOYOW 账号连接起来,这样你每周获得的YOYOW 可以直接进入你自己的钱包。 YOYOW 目前在多个交易平台都有交易,需要变现的朋友可以直接转入平台变现。我个人是把它当作定存长期持有。

币问过去一直都是以邀请注册,旨在打造真正的有质量的问题平台。最近才开始开放给所有的人。 币问的创始人Peter 举办”我在币问等你“的活动, 注册币问一起来瓜分25000000 YOYOW, 邀请注册奖励来回馈用户并鼓励新用户一起来发展。 已经有很多区块链名人,大V 加入他们主动的推动活动。如果有兴趣的朋友请一起来加入。我个人很喜欢币问的清高和质量,也为他们的团队所感动,所以也乐意为币问打CALL。





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