Youtube staff can't even do basic research
So for the last few days. I been fighting umaainc on youtube who claimes to own my voice and, a song by Deco"27 who composses origional music. With the program Vocaloid and, the voice bank Hatsune miku. Appearently, even with tons of facts. Proving there is no way on earth. umaainc has any association to vocaloid.
Wich a simple google or, any search reveals. What a shocker. The quote on quote company doesn't exist. But, lets add in something else. Audiovisual content is a youtube audio detection system that has been heavily broken. Yet with the Logan Pual inccident. Youtube devs only made the system even more broken.
When, anyone claims a name or, video. Given google doesn't give to shits. Since, they don't even try to review or, research the claims. Considering so many people get hit. Byt illegal dmca claims. Yet the one who does the false dmca claims get no legal action taken against them.
All the info you give to fight the claim. Google willingly hands it to the claiment. An they could use that data to do impersonation fraud. Wich google should know better. If anything Google needs to get it's head of it's rear and, actually do a honest days job of living.
Considering so many things. Google has done is illegal at least in the U.S.A. wich still lands them, fines now and, than. It's only a matter of time before, a good law suit happens towards the company. For not following the most basing F.C.C. laws wich Google has ignored so many times.
while, failing to follow the most basic of laws. Allowing any kid to claim dmca on content they have no actual evident or, legal rights to. Yet youtube is now becoming, a place for just news and, things it wasn't ment for. So Google is really shooting themselves at this point.
since each update is making things even worse for the users and, workers.