Homestead Life ~ Melanie Harvesting Our 2 Doz Eggs Per Day

in #youtube7 years ago

My wife Melanie has taken over the chicken egg business and takes us on a walk through on her daily egg harvest of about 16 to 24 eggs per day.

We are striving to become fully self sufficient and off the grid on a budget. This includes keeping chickens for both eggs and meat. We have 30 meat (broilers) birds out in a chicken tractor with an outdoor runway for daytime use. Out in the main chicken coop are our egg layers.

Our little girls are growing up now and giving us more eggs all the time. We get 24 eggs on some days. It varies from day to day a little bit as our girls come of age and start to lay eggs.

Melanie loves her chickens and they do seem to love her. They get so excited when she goes out there. I really love the ducks myself because they really get excited and make so much noise. Its cute.

Melanie is also selling eggs and she pays for the chicken feed on her own. I cover the cost of the meat birds though but Melanie's egg business is self sustaining at this point.

You can watch the video here:

I was a bit YouTuber with over 100,000 subs and about 2,000 video until they started cutting pay too much. Since then I have moved all my videos and work over to DIY Tube.

DIY Tube pays you in cryptocurrency for video views, comments, thumbs up and more.

NOTE: Due to my YT existence, a bunch of trolls follow me around all over the place. It stemmed from YouTube but has become more of a stalking and harassment now. Please do not engage the trolls. And please ignore their filth.

Thank you


NOTE: Please ignore the comments below

Due to my old, large YouTube channel some trolls follow me around

Like a fungus that just never goes away

They are always there spreading their nasty lies

Please do not engage the trolls for your own safety

Thank you

hey troy have you seen this yet???

Hello there Troy, I’m mildly surprised to see you back on steemit, congratulations on your new fake job too. How much solar are you pulling in to offset the power drain of those mining rigs? You’re not off grid at all but you’re still lying about it.

The amount of solar is irrelevant. He only has a surface charge on his ruined batteries and he never ran any wire to the house for inverter power anyway. Like everything else Troy shows those panels are just props.

Translation: Don't ask questions that he doesn't want to answer!

Or he might threaten to shoot you.

It wouldn't be the first time. Right, Troy?

Come see real and true homesteading and adventure at
We live 100% fully off grid on our homestead. Hear about my travels around the country as well. Such as my 5.5 month, 2500 mile long backpacking trip across the great Appalachian Mountains last summer and my newest trip bicycling 3000+ miles from Washington DC to Santa Monica California starting May 12th!
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doc,i gotta say the reason the whales havent whacked yur peepee yet is cuz theyre too busy laffin at what yur doin to reid.

everyone knows troy reid is a scamming fraud...

its more they told reid they are not getting involved and that he needs to grow a pair...

Here's an old hen for the Do It Yourself (vacation cabin) Homestead

I love Fixedbydocs web site and his Steemit posts, full of class content and comments and he's a nice guy.
He doesn't call you scum or a dirty filthy stinking troll.
Reid certainly shows his true colours on here!

Turd, is it getting any warmer where you are yet, dont you rekon you have to examine each others ass holes for ticks before you go inside your shack?
Google maps show your place as a camp ground, what kind of tent do you need to keep the ticks out or do they only get attracted to dirty smelly fuckers like you and Minging Mell.

Idiot picks the worst area possible for his pretend off grid self sufficient scam. Freezes all except 3 months a year and he thinks we believe he can grow his own food. He can barely get enough energy to haul a wheelbarrow a day of firewood but has 2 huge greenhouses in his plans. I guess he will heat them electrically. His power bill is through the roof but he hopes nobody notices- idiot

Here's an old hen for the Do It Yourself (Vacation Cabin) Homestead

Troy, I have some questions regarding your diytube channel.

When the channel owner uploads a video who owns the video - you or the owner?

Do your recieve - now or in the future - any Google Adsense payments for their videos?

Who is this and what is your relationship with him?

I am the marketing manager. What they rest of them do is not my problem. Ask them, not me.

You've evaded all my questions. Why am I not surprised. At least point me to your Terms and Conditions. I take it you do have those?

"MY" terms and conditions, you would not obey anyway.

"MY" terms and conditions say no trolls allowed and no harassing people online and in the real world.

But we all know you dont believe in obeying the law anyway.

Harassing my family in the real world and online is criminal.

I’ve found your terms and conditions Troy.


Content published on this website (digital downloads, images, texts, graphics, logos) is the property of DIY TUBE and/or its content creators and protected by international copyright laws. The entire compilation of the content found on this website is the exclusive property of DIY TUBE, with copyright authorship for this compilation by DIY TUBE.

Now that is ambiguous isn’t? It sounds that you own the Creators content: “The entire compilation of the content found on this website is the exclusive property of DIY TUBE”

Google Adsense Troy. Will you be paid in dollars, whilst your 'creators' get paid in Crypto crap?

please provide the laws that say telling the truth about you is harassment...

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Trog, are users allowed to upload spoof video's of you onto your site.
I have 10 or more and they are funny, I think your members would like them and it is mostly your content anyways.

I don't get have to pay tr for his coins where on steemit you earn coins for posting blogs. So if you are paying for coins on DIYTube, when do you get to earn them, I thought you get coins for posting vids and commenting. So if you are earning coins, why do you have to buy more coins... and who gets the income from the adsense?

doesnt really matter anyway , i went and uploaded 50 videos to his DIYTUBE this morning just to have all of them either blocked or removed .......... i want my GODDAMN TOKENS ! ! ! ! !............. WONDER IF THERE IS A BLOCKCHAIN RECORD OF THESE UPLOADS ??????

now just how would we do that dumbass? it seems your partner failed to introduce himself at the beginning of the begfest for investers. now wouldnt you think that looks sketchy to any normal person? send us money but im not going to tell you who i am? you guys are sure running a fucked up "company". whatdaya say to that reid?

I found these AWESOME sites you might enjoy. They belong to a true off grid family who go on these exciting cross country adventures.
Here are the links...
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Mr. Reid, all you do is show your daily lives on the homestead. Including your bizarre practice of licking your wife's face:
face lick.png


Trog Reid that is so REPULSIVE to lick someone's face. You just don't get it being the socially inept sexual pervert pedophile that lusts after young boys buttocks. You disgusting SCAMMING piece o shit.

Is the the guy that took a convicted paedophile over state lines, breaking the law then taking his back to his hovel in the forest, or is this the guy that sleeps over night with little boys in the woods.
That person they say is his wife dosent look old enough and she talks like a demented five year old.
Maybe I have it wrong but I'm sure its the same guy, he sure looks like a disgusting pervert!

As troy says- Sadly you are correct. He looks 65 years old and in very poor health and I'm betting Ping Wow is hoping he drops dead of a heart attack so she can have a decent life and the kid will be safe from him. Chris should go to court and demand custody of little neck bracelet.

Troy you should have bought a toad!

How Troy defines a troll:

  1. if you gave him something and remind him of it.
  2. If you ask his a question he doesn't want to answer.
  3. IF you question his methods.
  4. If you question his honesty.
  5. IF you catch him lying.
    one or more of these label you a troll in Troy's tiny mind. He feels he should be free to run his scams on people and not be held accountable.

Great video. Just kidding.
I see your mail order bride bought by your stupid YouTube viewers,
films the ground just like you Troy Reid @thediyworld.

You don't want her to show viewers how the property turned into a dump like the property you abandoned in Pine Bush, NY.

Message to the curious visitor: When you read the description and get to the second paragraph,
notice how Troy Reid @thediyworld writes "we are striving to become fully self-sufficient and off the grid on a budget".

What he is really saying is, by using the word "striving", it is an open-ended goal that will never be achieved.

Reid will never be self-sufficient.
He relies on other peoples charity, gifts, and support from his elderly parents and government.

He will never be off the grid either.
His crypto-mining computer venture in the cottage living room consumes more electricity that the Hoover Dam can create.

He does have solar panels, however they are there as Props so he can continue exploiting the theme he started scamming people with in Pine Bush, NY.

And finally the word "budget".
That would mean any money from you the viewer
as he has no real job since working for the Dimola Bros. salvage removal company in NY years ago.

Buyer Beware!


Hmmm, a video spread by a troll. How interesting. Well, its on the internet so it must be true huh?

A video produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, the national broadcaster for Australia.

Obviously, they are trolls too!

Dick Head is that what makes your lies true?

Well now.. all we ever did was show our daily lives on the homestead.

If you dont believe its real - thats fine.

But harassing and stalking us online and in the real world is criminal.

Do you live in the cottage with all those noisy, heat generating, energy sucking computers running 24/7 in the living room of that tiny cottage?

There doesn't appear to be room for a mail order bride and her infant there.

Where do you Really live Troy?
@thediyworld, @blogger101, @trtechtactical, @diy-electronics.

Yes, all you ever did was show your daily life... which included a visit from CONVICTED PEDOPHILE DAVID "TJ" HANSEN! Mr. Reid, why did you TRANSPORT a CONVICTED PEDOPHILE by the name of DAVID J. HANSEN ACROSS STATE LINES FROM CONNECTICUT TO NEW YORK to spend time at your homestead several years ago?? While there, another Youtuber visited you with his family including two children, and you did not inform this family that a CONVICTED PEDOPHILE WAS ON THE PREMISES. All documented at with screen shots including Mr. Hansen's conviction record, so don't deny it. Why do you recklessly endanger others? Why do you spend time with a teenaged boy who's not a family member, playing together like you're a little kid? This is all on your YT channel as well.

Well now. If a troll said it - and its on the internet - it must be true huh

Here you are pleasuring him....

You uploaded videos of him, not us...


SInce Mr. Reid is in denial...



Don't forget his other friend the walmart bomber who spent a year in jail. He and trog are close butt Buddies I think

And pointing out your lies and scams is perfectly legal. It is called fact. If you ever told the truth you would not continuously contradict yourself.

Is TJ out of jail yet? You know TJ the child rapist you had at you dump in NY.

Again, all we ever did was show our daily lives on the homestead.

If you do not believe us - that is fine.

But harassing us like this is criminal.

There's no smoke without fire Trog, Oh, you started one of those as well didnt you.
Setting fire to a forest on a survival trip.
Did you ever get caught for that a good citizen should I turned you in.

Hey Trog, have you been on the parrot food again?

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