My favorite YouTube things
Happy Monday Steemit:)
There are days that I either get depressed or literally have nothing going on in my head.
In either one of those cases, I usually turn to a few reliable YouTube videos to lift my spirits...
Here are a few of my favorites:)
Epic Villain Laugh
Truly my favorite thing online.
It's a clip from Fist of the North Star, where a big bad guy wins the fight and laughs at the other guy.
"Your hope has become despair!"
I used to play this video when I knew I was about to win a Magic game, and when I'm depressed, I play it to laugh at myself.
It ALWAYS makes me feel better.
Seagulls Stop it Now
Even if you're not a Star Wars fan, this is funny.
The 'bad lip reading' stuff is usually okay, but this is a masterpiece.
The song is so catchy and the words are SO funny.
I would go months at a time singing this song as I walk around town.
"That log had a child" lolololol
Ain't nobody got time for that
Someday I want to meet Sweet Brown.
I'll bet she is the coolest person to hang out with. She seems like an awesome cartoon character.
The song is also catchy and the video is so well done... I smile every time.
My nieces don't get it, and I really don't either, but I love this so much.
If you dance like this guy for 5 seconds, you will feel good.
Double Rainbow/Double Rainbow autotune
For me, I have to watch them in order. The actual Double Rainbow video followed by the autotune song.
I think this guy is my spirit animal.
Now that I have watched these again, I am in a fabulous mood:D
Do you have any Youtube gems that you would like to share?
Blessings Steemit...
No “Cockney Star Trek”, @tarotbyfergus? ;)
It will take it a while to get on this list:)
Saw this in FB, good thing I also found it in Youtube. Comes to show you can make a song just about anything under the sun.
And I like his rendition of Elsa's song but with crypto lyrics. :D
Omg! Those are awesome! I play with Google Translate all the time, but I haven't done a song with it yet!
Get the creative juices flowing, you'll probably make the next big hit! 😁