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RE: YouTube Like Video Site Pays For Videos ~ Comments And Interaction

in #youtube7 years ago

Sounds more like Troy is desperate not to get a real job.

Look elsewhere for easy money. The only person who will be making anything out of this scam is Troy W Reid, 4489 Pine Road, Lewiston, Michigan.


By the way. You won. You guys chased us out of New York.

You guys chased me off YouTube.

You guys forced me to get a normal, full time job.

I am the marketing manager for DIY Tube Video Community.

That is my job.

It pays the bills now.

So find something new to complain about.

@thediyworld, When will you ever get your lies straight?
You were NOT chased out of NY. YOU stopped paying your rent then tried to sell land you did not own for 200K.
You admitted YouTube cut your pay like everyone else, nothing to do with the trolls.

The only thing you are the manager of is..... FAILURE!

When will you ever get your lies straight???

A mortgage is not rent.

We did not get kicked out or chased out due to non payment and I have pay records to prove it. Although I am sure you have no access to my pay records so there is proof that you lie.

The group your friends run is evidence enough of all the harassment of my family.

I have 100s of pages of screen prints of people bragging about harassing us.

You cannot deny it especially when your friends promote that very website all the time.

@thediyworld, This reply/rebuttal is NOT proof of anything Troy.

You made videos claiming this.

This is why you no longer have a YT channel worth watching.
You're running out of suckers to scam.

Grow up.

Making FREE videos for your FREE viewing entertainment is not a scam. Even though we simply show our daily lives on the homestead - its still entertainment.

Although we show real daily life, even if it was all fake, it is still FREE entertainment.

If you dont like it, leave.

Staying here to harass my family online and in the real world is criminal harassment.

"Although we show real daily life, even if it was fake" FRAUD! @thediyworld

Pretesting to live offgrid and have a homestead to con free gifts from people and companies is FRAUD Troy. Even your church thinks you are lying.

Going to a toy store and buying a fireman's hat doesn't make you a fireman. Giving yourself a made up titled for a made up company doesn't give you a job. Quit lying Troy!

•[-]fixedbydoc (55) · yesterday
troy reid is part of a criminal cult organization called CAI christian assembly international which has been deemed a dangerous cult group by 13 nations and banned from activity as well. this is why they cannot practice in a normal church way and have to hold meetings in their homes with 5 or less people at a time! the fbi has been watching them for years... and their ring leader was charged with multiple counts of child molestation and endangerment! this documentary that is posted was created by a professional investigative news media company in australia and should be watched before you have any dealings with troy reid!!!

Isnt it interesting that you post my address to the world and write harassing words about me but yet you feel threatened by me and I do not even know a thing about you. Hmmm.....

but,but,but codge is only posting your addy so all the old cat ladies can send you donations reid! isnt that why you feel free to openly post yours everytime someone posts openly about sending you gifts and donations?sure seems like it to me from what ive read so far.

I work full time for a living.

I dont need anything from old ladies as you guys always seem to think.

I also have no idea where you get any "donations" since I dont remember ever telling anyone about getting any donations.

Run along now troll.

youre right cuz youve never told anyone about your donations.but one of your donaters told a troll about sending you 250 bucks a mo. and couldnt continue because he as a cancer survivor had heart trouble and you and molly dolly harrassed him to keep sending you money. he told the troll and asked for his help getting you two off his to address that reid?

That is the only way Troy survives. Constantly conning people. He spends more time and effort not working an honest job than working.
Troy logic, go figure.

Wow, that would have been nice to have that much money each month.

But wrong again - it never happened.

Nice story though.

You guys do keep getting more inventive all the time.

Absolutely did happen as I saw the emails from you and Molly Dolly giving the cancer & heart trouble guy grief for stopping his donation to you. I have the email chain in my old hard drive, Mr. Never Happened. You are LYING ass SCAMMER!!!

Oh, interesting. So you claim that you saw private emails? Isnt it a federal offense to hack into someone's email accounts?

Not that you really did it because such emails never existed.

The recipient, your donator sent them to me and was long string of you and Molly badgering him to continue his donation to you. He couldn't do that with heart ailments and rising medical bills. Your harassment showed no empathy for others except for yourself. You disgusting piece o shit!

Where is your DD214 long form LIAR ? The only people that get dd214 short form are those that have less than honorable discharge which is what you showed. You are lying ass stolen valor piece o shit!!!

It just shows your lack of knowledge.

Just smart enough to not believe all your lies. VA does not lose records. People with honorable discharge only receive long form cause they don't need a covered up short form that you showed. You have told so many unmatched lies about your service so... You have never shown your discharge status and always evade the issue. What are you hiding???

no reid. it is not a nice story. it is the truth about a lazy bum who harrasses,lies and scams to make his way thru this life because he is too lazy to never show any friends because you have none. nobody puts up with your using them very long and they leave. noone wants to help anyone who wont even help themself by making an honest living.

Interesting because I never heard of such a thing. The only cancer survival I am aware of is Chris, who we took care of.

Hmmm, very interesting stories though. You guys are getting good at making up lies to hurt my family.

oh,you "took care of chris alright" if using another human being as a slave is ok. what you did was take advantage of his friendship because hes mentally slow and was lonely. you do nothing for anyone except use them.

So Troy where did you get the money to buy that forklift battery you ruined? How did you get that Quanta Generator you play with?

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