
It seems I recall an invitation to visit his residence and be greeted with a 12-gauge shotgun.

If I remember right, this is Michigan and we have the castle law. I guess if someone were to come around here trying to harm my family, I would have the right to defend myself and my family.

I dont know why that should bother you unless you are planning to come on over here again like back in NY.

Now, unless that is exactly what you are planning, I do not see what your problem is.

Michigan is a far cry from NY where you could harass us to no end and the authorities did nothing huh?

aw bullshit!nobodys harassing you ya fucking liar.more drama created in your own paranoid physcopathic mind to create more sympathy and donations for you 3.have you even spent 1 dime on that kid of yours needs yet?except for diapers,i doubt it.nobody dumped oil in your trucks coolant overflow tank or pulled out your egg sign.the only damage on your place is what you do to it,like cutting big fucking holes in sheds to put an 8in pipe thru and said sheds probably not even paid for yet. just like cutting down trees on property you dont own yet because its not paid for yet! (pine bush)

You know... the crazy thing is that you guys have a group openly dedicated to destroying our lives and plotting to get me in jail for crimes I did not comment.

But then you guys deny anyone is harassing us.

I am not even making many videos at all anymore. You won.

I have a full time job now. You won.

I have complied with all your demands.

Your group said that if I left YT and got a full time job you would all leave me alone.

Now its your turn.

nobodys destroying your lives except YOU! being a lazy bum is all on you reid. were just pointing out the extremely obvious you are oblivious to. id bet you money that melanie is gonna leave your ass as soon as she gets her green card but youd welch on the bet.

I work hard for my money.

I have a full time job now which is paying our bills. And its not YouTube.

I am the marketing manager of DIY Tube Video Community.

And if you think Melanie is going to leave then you have some studying to do about her culture.

boy are you you really think all phillipino women have a "stand by your man" mindset,no matter what?i find that amaaaazzzzzziiiiiiinnnnngggggggggggggggg! you promised to treat her like a queen but are using her as a slave while you sit on your ass chasing get rich quick schemes. in other words. you treat her like shit reid. before you know it shell be porkin the neighbor down the road to get him to help her get away from a bum like you. even in the phillipines they have a work ethic and women value security and you aint it!

Full time job? As in sitting your ass on the couch, tinkering "crypto miners" ? Dude, I am not even sure if I would qualify you to change a light bulb... let alone any IT thing.

As to mortgages and property ownership - well - I guess you have some things to learn.

like what reid?calling a land contract a mortgage? destroying property not paid for yet in case you cant finish paying for it? being a cheap hoarder that turns property into a garbage dump and leaving it for others to clean up?if i was mrs. wright id be suing your ass off for the cleanup costs since YOU devalued her property. do you really think anyone wants to purchase a garbage dump? think again reid.

I paid $49,000 on that land so I would say I did a very good job of making my mortgage payments.

Other than that - well - you are troll.

Run along now.

be that as it may,id say you threw away 49k on a really bad investment when you could have continued to rent for 200 a mo. with your troy math thats 49000 divided by 1500 a mo. equals 32.6 mo. you paid. 32x200 equals 6400. you lost 42,600 on that deal yet you tried to turn it around and get 200k for a piece of land you turned into a garbage dump thereby devaluing the property.theres always a fuckjob you try to perpetrate with anything you do isnt there?

No one is "coming around there". YOU made the invite to Codge. That's different from someone trespassing, in which you do have the right to defend yourself. And I'm not planning to come there "again". I've never been to your residence and have no plans to, liar.

notice this cocksucker refuses to address any accusation made. he just dances around questions with more bullshit.

Look at who is making nasty accusations and using nasty words.

I am just here on my own blog, minding my own business.

Really - if you cant take it then leave me alone.

Troy always evades the truth. None of these so called trolls were ever on Troys rented land in Pine Bush NY.

If anything happened there it was all on him. I firmly believe he staged most of it for sympathy donations. But that is all right for it is Troy's conscience that rocks him gently to sleep at night.

Oh, I would never invite such a nasty, vile person to our beautiful community.

i hardly think a disabled old man with medical problems is going to fly over 4000 miles to ream your ass for being such a aint worth it reid. get over yourself.

I do not even know your names so how on earth can I threaten someone I dont know.

You cowards hide behind fake names and harass people from your sofa.

I am too busy taking care of my family to worry about scum like you.

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