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RE: Youtube Bans Infowars (I Condemn This)

in #youtube6 years ago (edited)

Prove it. Show the video. Until you can show it you're condemning a person without evidence. Especially depending upon where you saw it at. Was it unedited video? He's talked about it a lot so yeah with proper editing he can be made to say anything.

At the moment if you think it is okay to treat someone as guilty based upon allegations then it is YOU who are mad.

You do realize this has gone to court, and the videos that were brought there did not show this? This is fact.

How much you dislike a person doesn't suddenly make "guilty until proven innocent", "or guilty with no care for proof" a non-evil and mad thing.

Look in a mirror and wake the fuck up.

EDIT: I'll continue to be honest with you. If you can show the evidence and it hasn't been sliced and diced in some media center editing factory that shows what they are saying I'll agree with you. In fact A LOT of people will agree with you. The problem is they say it is SO, and they don't show the evidence.

As to the MADMAN comment.

I believe in "Innocent until PROVEN guilty". I will follow that even for people that I dislike a great deal. It is not okay to apply the LAW and JUSTICE for some people, and then think we don't need to follow it for others.

Mad or not.

The opinion of X amount of people even if X is a lot of people does not make evil behavior suddenly good.

Defaming people without proof and continuing to spread that defamation without showing the footage to back it up is evil.

If he said it, isn't it strange that none of these news outlets play it while they are making the claims. They don't seem to have to problem playing other videos.... HMMMM Why is that?


There's plenty of "sliced and diced" clips of him saying that sandy hook was an "inside job" and that the parents are "crisis actors". I can spend a few hours going through his stuff, but I have seen enough of his garbage to know what he said and how he said it. I don't believe things unless I see them, and claiming I do is rather silly.

Adding a qualifier of not allowing edits to be shown as proof is rather silly. I can link you plenty of montages of him saying heinous stuff, but if that's not good then I have to concede to your ridiculous criteria because I don't feel like wasting my time.


Also. Even if he did say it. He has the right to say it if we have free speech.

Free speech does not mean NO consequences. In history people have often been shunned or ostracized for saying unpopular (even untrue) things.

If it is defamation and truly harmful then the court system is there for that.

Censorship is a slippery slope and a very bad thing.

I dislike a lot of things people say, yet I'll fight to defend their right to say it.

As to Sandy Hook. My current opinion is that it happened. I don't put the same importance on whether it did or did not as some people. All I really care about is evidence/proof if people or persons are accused regardless of how vile they may be.

Reminder free speech doesn't protect you from direct threats of violence and libel/slander, both of which AJ has been directly guilty of. You can keep trying to defend your cult hero if you want to look like a fool in front of civilized society, but you will remain on the fringe, and will be looked at with scorn by a majority of people. That's what happens when you're dead wrong. Just like AJ.

Reminder free speech doesn't protect you from direct threats of violence and libel/slander, both of which AJ has been directly guilty of.

Take it to court. If you can prove it you are correct and something will be done.

Yet simply saying it is the person doing what they are claiming he is doing. Yet that is actually common. Following the playbook of Joseph Goebbels the Propaganda Minister for the Nazis and Hitler.

Then as to your repetition and cult leaders comment... If Alex is repeating the Sandy Hook claims... why can't we find many examples? I can't, and I looked.

I can find massive amounts of the media saying that is what he did, and blaming him of the same things you are. Hell they don't even need sources anymore they can just claim there are sources.

That won't hold up in court. It will hold up in the minds of the ignorant that don't understand that simply stating a thing does not make it true.

Lenin would be pleased.

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