Updated Stats Regarding Our YouTube Channel, Contributed by @TangerineTravels

in #youtube6 years ago

A little while ago, we wrote a post on our latest YouTube stats. Since our last update, we've written a series of posts for @communitycoin on what it takes to get YouTube to rank your videos as high as possible. It has been a while and things have changed a lot with our channel, so we wanted to provide you with a quick update on how things are coming along with our YouTube channel.

It seems pretty crazy that it took us 3 months to get our first 100,000 views on our channel and just 6 more days to get our next 100,000 views.

The graph below shows our minutes watched each day. There still seems to be a strong upward trend but we'll have to see if that continues. It seems like every couple of weeks, YouTube ranks us lower for a few days before the next big uptrend resumes. That de-ranking seems to be happening again right now. I still don't understand why this happens, but as I said in a previous post, I think they're running some kind of test to determine how good our content actually is.

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I prefer to view this same graph with "Rolling 7-day averages" because I feel like it provides a better picture of performance over time than the "Daily" graph above. It does a lot to smooth out the daily fluctuations as is a little easier on the eyes.

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Below is our net subscribers gained per day. About a month ago, we were growing at about 15 subscribers per day, and the last few days, we've been gaining anywhere between 200-300.

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Our channel hasn't yet been approved by YouTube for monetization (the ability to put ads on our videos) but we aren't too concerned about that. In fact, we're not sure if we'll ever put ads on our videos because we think it detracts from the user experience.

Influencer marketing is how we're planning to make the real money, so it's really no big deal if they never approve our channel for monetization.

In the screenshot below, you can see what we see in regards to our monetization status. Before, it said they were in a backlog and they hoped to be caught up by the end of April. Now, it says the same thing, except for they'll be caught up by the end of June.

In talking to a friend of ours on Steemit, he said they've been saying the same thing to him and his channel since January.

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Do you have a YouTube channel? If so, have you been approved for monetization in the recent past? We're wondering if they are approving anyone these days?


@communitycoin it is very difficult to gain because YouTube has struggled over the last few months to grapple with inappropriate content on its service. Aside from a YouTube star sharing a deeply insensitive video, the site has recently faced scrutiny over white supremacist and conspiracy theory videos on its platform. And last November 2017, YouTube came under fire for hosting disturbing content aimed at children. In a subsequent blog post, CEO Susan Wojcicki said that the company will expand its team that moderates policy violations to over 10,000 people this year.


But the new monetization strategy doesn’t so much as appease those worried about policy violations as it signals to small creators that they simply aren’t worth the trouble to the tech giant. Under the new guidelines, channels will need to have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time within the last year to be eligible for receiving ad revenue. Previously, uploaders needed just 10,000 total views to run ads on their videos. All Google Preferred channels will also now be manually reviewed, with ads only running on videos that have been approved.

The changes are sure to appease nervous advertisers worried about being associated with videos of dead bodies or creepy clips aimed at children, but they also show that the company ultimately doesn’t see much value in smaller channels—and if they aren’t really impacting Google’s bottomline, they have little motivation to cater to them. For those non-offending albeit smaller-scale creatives looking to profit off the platform, it’s a reminder that, to Google, they are just scraps at the bottom of the barrel.

Thnks for ur info.

I wonder if it's the case that the larger your channel gets, the more likely you are to get approved quickly? We just read a quarterly letter from the CEO saying how they're working hard to get caught up on approving channels who newly reached the 1,000/4,000 threshold. I bet that them getting caught up is dependent on them hiring a lot of people to manually reviews channels and videos.

Yay! So glad about the pace of your growth, that's is what we call "moving at the pace of a flash"

Don't you think your selfless attitude towards seeing everyone becoming better either as a YouTuber or steemian is responsible for your growth.

Service is an express way to greatness.

I have learn so well, reading from you.

You just gained another subscriber to your channel in me... Lol

I don't know what's wrong with YouTube, if you have such a great number of viewers on daily bases and they are not considering giving you permission to monetize ads on your channel, something must be wrong with them..... Lol

Thanks so much.

that's is what we call "moving at the pace of a flash"

We used a similar phrase in the US called "moving at the speed of light." Thanks for subscribing, we really appreciate that!

Going by the graph, the rate at which you are growing is so rapid. From 15 gained subscribers to 300 is pretty awesome and I say a big congratulations to that @tangerinetravels.

I don't really know how long it takes for a channel to be approved for monetization.

we're not sure if we'll ever put ads on our videos

If you don't put ads on your videos, how will the money roll in?

We'll have a lot of ways to earn money: affiliate marketing, influencer marketing, sponsorships, and showcasing local businesses and tour companies, to name a few ways.

It is so painful I hardly use my YoutuYouTube channel and i can't be of help to know how this happens or know why it happens. I will surely ask around.

I don't understand why they have to keep testing your content when they have all the details on how your channel is doing every time.

I don't want you to be deterred by this, and I really hope normalcy resumes and they start rewarding you for the hard work you always do. Well done guys.

Interestingly, we were comparing our channel to one of our competitors, and the number of views was strongly correlated. That tells us that YouTube's testing is going beyond our own channel. They're testing the type of video being shown to users, not just which channel it's coming from.

Do you have a YouTube channel? If so, have you been approved for monetization in the recent past? We're wondering if they are approving anyone these days?

Wow , I never knew this. There’s definitely more to YouTube than I personally don’t know. This YouTube tutorials has helped me discovered a lot about YouTube. I can’t be grateful enough. Kudos

There is a lot to know about YouTube if you want to be successful on there quickly!

I have a YouTube channel which I've monetized side two years now. Though I've not been making money from it but I'm optimistic things are going to change cos I've started applying all I learnt from your posts

I recommend downloading a free software that will help you choose the right tags for your videos. Our referral link is tubebuddy.com/tangerine. If enough people download the free software through our link we get their paid software free for a year.

TubeBuddy's tag researching tool has really helped to grow our channel because it helps our videos continue to show up in search results.

Youtube must not take user's motivation out. What their work to make Youtube more prosper is to make reliable, transparent environment for users who need their channel to be approved. I hope you get approved as soon as possible.

Us too, just so we have the option to monetize the channel. But like we mentioned, it's not a big deal if we don't because we have plenty of other ways to make money through the platform and audience that YouTube provides us.

Three months and 100,thousands and more of same number still coming Your contents are so wow.

For the YouTube monetizing,thats how they do postpone it
People says they do approve monetization but I've never seen who they have approved and maybe they are still giving tests cos with this number of viewers and still counting, they should not doubt you . 👍 well done

A friend told us that he thinks you'll only get approved if you're doing "Unboxing of toys talking in a baby voice." In other words, they're only approving channels they think have very palatable content.

And would you because of that change your voice?

wow congratulations @communitycoin for the achievement of 1000000 in only 6 days.
thanx for the guy @TangerineTravels for contributed.