I'll be reuploading all my videos to DTube and setting 95% of my videos to private

in #youtube7 years ago (edited)

Thanks Steemit,

I've just received notice that I need to private almost all of my videos. The only ones staying up will be the cryptocurrency related ones. Most will be down within the next 48-72 hours.

I will try reuploading slowly to DTUBE. This is rather saddening.. considering in total, my channel received nearly 8 MILLION views over the past year and a half. We're approaching 60,000 subscribers and YouTube responds by taking down one of my videos, banning my livestreaming rights and now this?

I might un-private them one day, but currently it's too risky.

See you soon, DTUBE and DLIVE!


Google is very heavy handed when it comes to bans and restrictions. I made a mistake 10 years ago when posting an ad. They banned me for life for promoting an affiliate link they didn't like. There was no chance for appeal and even worse no customer service worth anything when putting together my ad. At the same time I set up my Adsense account I set up a bing ad account and had a customer service employee who called me and helped me set up my ads in such a way that I would get the best results. While bing is an inferior search engine the company treats its customers much better than google!

Good luck with YouTube! I love your videos and will switch to watching them on dtube

I got banned from Google adwords.

Wow. That sucks, man. Ive just recently discovered your YT channel and have been devouring your vids. Youre not bad...for a kid. Haha!

Its because of you that I'm here on Steemit. I'd never heard of this place before. I'm new here but love what I'm seeing so far.


Better not remove the one where you were throwing shit off a building, that shit was hilarious. It sucks though, at least you'll be making real money when you upload to steemit. How can VICE NEWS upload videos of the Afghanistan war and be fine, but you can't upload a video about using the darknet without getting flagged?

There was also that one in AVILSD2 with one of his friends probably wasted skating inside the metra ! Haha, this one killed me too :D

Something satisfying about watching an object being dropped from the height of a 10 story building.

haha of course that must be fun too, reminds me of a time when I lived high like 12th floor and we used to play with toilet paper, put water on it and throw it, aim for people, people's cars, what a funny physics experience haha ; at a time there were some like "wow god wiped his ass" not believing their eyes; and we also tried some "skydivers" experience, tying little useless toys you found inside Kinder eggs, tying them to little plastic bags you know, that was fun to watch them fly, we could even bet on the place they would land haha :D childhood and teenhood have literally no fucking price for that kind of fun :D

You have Taught me so much about the dark web, how drug dealers operate, and the effects that certain drugs have over people’s mental state. Now I’m going to have to get my information from the street, Instead of learning it from a trusted source.

No don't go to the streets, he's reloading them all on Dtube :D
By the way I enjoyed them all too, I learned more on those darknet markets on his youtube page during a month than during my whole life :D

will be glad to see you in dtube.

Welcome to Dtube @avilsd!

The amount of censorship that's been happening on youtube is ridiculous. Any video that's perceived to be in violation of their "terms of service" gets taken down/ demonetized. For the most part, it's completely unfair to the user. I have several friends who have dealt with the issue, and they ultimately solved it by building a strong core fan base on YT and migrating to other platforms.

Best of luck!

Why you need to do that?

I got word from some of my higher up contacts (people with 500K+ subscribers and agents) that unless I get lawyers involved quickly, things could go to shit. At its current phase, unfortunately 56,750 subscribers isn't bringing enough money for it to even make sense to go that route. So this is the safer route until AVI reaches a few hundred thousand subscribers. I will be back. It's not like the drug talks are going anywhere :P

Was this before, or after I commented on that TRVL vid on here yesterday? Are you compromised by association? ...Im always paranoid Im being watched online...

Ive been banned on facebook for sharing FACEBOOK POST.....and other stuff......several times...

I know this too well, been banned from Fbook several times because of either my content or the fact I hid my name, bunch of idiots that they are, Steemit is gonna overrun them ! Together we'll fuck them all; fbook, youtube, instashite, it's a matter of time and pace !

I think they'll just hoard crypto and turn it against itself if it came down to a clutch play by big business.

I read the other day there's a program in the works that finds every wallet you have online and links them into 1 nice lil dossier for law enforcement and whomever else.

Oh really? But again, I don't know what we should fear unless we're selling drugs online you know, they can track every single comment and post we do, they won't avoid us from thinking what we think about them, no law says you can't think and speak freely : so they can build any kind of dossier they want for fun if they have nothing else better to occupy their time with :D

Says the guy in Finland(or Holland or wherever) LoL

What does this have to do with the fact I live in Finland, Holland or wherever else ? Is it ridiculous to live in those countries ? Come on, I'm intrigued, I want to know why you're mocking me for saying we have "freedom of thought" and these assholes have nothing else to do than build "dossiers" as you say, like you seem to fear them; is this so funny ? We should have it, if you're at a point where you're laughing about such a fundamental right, then I should be the one laughing.

dam that sucks man YouTube is just getting silly now

Good job Youtube! No really, they keep helping dtube and dlive grow!

Wow! What was Google persecuting you for?

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