RE: Date Night! 💞🌼 {My Picks for February's @yourtop3 Contest}
You saw Primus with your Dad? That's cool. Your Dad is pretty young - I am thinking if he turned 50 recently, he's not much older than me. I loved going to see music with Dad, and I often go with my son too. We don't see concerts as often as we'd like to these days but I was such a concert girl back in the day. The stories I could tell lol..
I haven't seen a photo of you and @dksart before, and didn't know what @dksart looked like! Cute photo - you guys sure know how to spend quality time together.
I'll be posting mine this arvo, just gotta find a photo from at least ten years ago so we look younger and more appealing hahaha...After thinking about this challenge, I nurtured my man yesterday a bit more, feeling grateful for everything he does.
You are right, this is a sweet contest.
I'd have to really go back and look to see how many times we've seen Les and the boys now. Lots of good memories since that first concert 16 years ago! (Which makes Pops a good bit older now, well, both of us 😉) I hope he's got a few more left in him!
Sometimes a little nudge to make us stop and appreciate the people there day in and day out is just the thing to break us out of the daily rut. I know I get so caught up in my usually hustle and bustle I often forget the little things that once meant so much. We are solidly in birthday season with both of our families now, as well, so makes it even more special if we do remember to take the time to spend together. Makes me think I might need to break out some vegan nachos again for his fave meal...😜