Binary Life-Emperium
Do not live my life it's hot and boren
Do not wish I swing pin and Paul,
Do not wish my throat were dried from my thoughts that drown my chin,i wish I were younger to change what I have become ..a masquerade on the ledge...
Be as my binary fill with even numbers match.. for you wouldn't understand, free from a cage..catched by your eyes
I find myself in the middle of two walls, one on epifany the other on dialogue,
You bleed me dry from your work and sweat...
I please all but myself I am pleased no more ..
I clap and you dance... Strange sounds of my land
A drum on a stick with a pack of frankincense
You beg me for unbelievable understanding when thy good dispises me..
Amitu the palm wine tapper was once a farmer so you said..
I will stay quiet till I meet you that day where the scorns and chains rebel for freedom....