Yooka Laylee- Yooka model preview
Omg this was heck to get. The program wasn't purchased. So rippring 1 texture . I had to wait 2 minutes just to continue ripping another thing. wich was the same for the obj models. So I could extract the data from unreal engine 4.
wich if I could have extracted this with Ninja riper. I could have saved myself days of work. :/ But, yeah don't think most people understand the proccess. Of how long cmd and, java extract of models can get. ;/
So I kinda tired. trying to get this model for 3 days. Assuming the model would have been named. Yooka or, player .obj. But, nope. It was named com . Assuming it was refferring the the animal it is.
But, for logical reasoning for most games. That just seems odd. Tho this is just one more model I can preserve. Knowing how tedious unreal model games can be to crack at times.
Tho pc games are easier than, xbox1 and, ps4. Tho the wiiu nut files could have been easy. Tho I hate that file formate. I preffer brres models myself.