Yoga Facts
Yoga is an ancient practice, which originated in India. Today it is still popular there, though it has spread to other countries as well. Yoga generally focuses on the body and its health, through physical postures or breathing exercises or through a combination of both. The Indian believed that if your mind becomes strong, so will the rest of your being. Yoga can be broken down into four primary types, which are Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, and Raja Yoga. The last two are generally considered one style that focuses on meditation, whereas the first two are about personal improvement.
Yoga is a popular form of exercise in the West. It was brought to the country by Indian expatriates, and over time has gained a strong following. However, there are many variations of this exercise. The Yoga category on our website describes many different forms of yoga ranging from yoga poses to other exercises that are similar to yoga.
Though it is a deep and complex practice, much information is available about yoga. Practicing yoga poses properly can be challenging. However, Yoga Facts can help beginners learn more about the different types of yoga.