Writting on letting go

in #yoga6 years ago (edited)

'Let Go' These words, in one form or another, are often laced in a yoga or meditation session. Forward-folds are very much associated with surrender, releasing, and letting go. The very action of folding brings the introspection of self, rather than the focus being outside the body, you are facing into yourself, like a mirror.

What is the significance of 'letting go'?

Letting go seems to have more baring to what is happening in the mind, rather than the body. The Mind-Body relationship seems to be a key factor, as there seems to be an intrinsic relationship between them. The process of letting go, contrary to most people understanding, starts in the body opposed to the mind. By working into the body and un-cluttering the mind from usual thought patterns, emotions stored in the body can begin to surface. Then the choice can come from the person whether to continue exploring these sets of emotions or not. The information has been relayed to an observer.

To let go is to be fully in the moment, surrendering whatever that moment may bring without any expectations and trying to not bring judgments. True joy can be found at this moment, as time just evaporates, there is just the body and breathe and the subtle observer of the mind. There is no 'I am' there just 'is'.

The thing that has really begun to fascinate me is how 'letting go' in one aspect of our lives can then translate to another. For me, its 'letting go' of the material and stored emotions that don't serve me. Clutter around seems to reflect a cluttered mind, in my experience. I even think to myself, in regards to my car, a clean car equals a clean mind! This may be a little silly but on an energetic level, is it?

What is the root cause of holding on (not letting go)?

Holding on to what you know, what you are used to, emotions left unprocessed.
This probably stems from the fear of suffering, fear of instability or just fear of the unknown. When you process or release old emotions there is a huge element of the unknown. Old wounds can be 'held' by the body and the mind, this could be for a subconscious reason. For example, it might stop you doing some form of activity, because of fear of failing or of 'not being good enough'.
Processing is complex, and sometimes takes years for the person to realize the habits and ways in which they may have held onto certain aspects of themselves or lives.

Allow release...

No-one can do this for you, it takes time and introspective moments of clarity. It may take other things like yoga, energy work or meditation to help unearth the cause. It takes strength and courage to help surface yourself and create a new perspective.


Yes! Love this article. So inspiring and a great reminder on the importance of surrendering control and letting go of what is holding you back xx

Thank you so much, really appreciate the feedback :) x

So many people need this reminder blaring in their ear 24/7. Nice post

WHy thank you very much :)

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