About self-love and obstacles to self-realization

in #yoga7 years ago

Self-love is our natural state, since life loves itself and protect itself.

Yet, most people are in fact in denial and maintain a state of self-hatred without being aware of it. This is the result of the artificial mindset that humanity has been subjugated to for lifetimes because they have accepted it as normal and allowed it. And now, they have forgotten the value of life, beginning with their own life.

Self-love has nothing to do with pampering.

Self-love is, in fact, being truly connected to a deep sense of purpose and being worthy of life. You are worthy of being fulfilled in life, but true fulfilment has little to do with what you think you want. Fulfilment comes with alignment with creation and your Soul essence. Until you begin to align with your true self, your actions and desires will remain the result of programming, and will lead you to feel confused and unfulfilled. Many people chose to remain in that state out of fear of the unknown, because aligning with your true self does require cleansing, healing, patience, persistence and moving beyond obstacles. But challenges can become fun when we understand them and have the tools to transmute and transform the stagnant/negative energy! We realise how powerful and magical we are, and as we progressively rise up to all the challenges, we build the necessary strength and power to manifest our true soul purpose.

Self-love means living with integrity. This means that your thoughts, your speech and your actions are in alignment. If you are all talk and no action, then don’t expect things to improve. Get up, rise up, and show up for your life! Because you are worth living a fulfilling life! Find solutions, not excuses.

Obstacles on the self-realization journey include:

  1. Illness (in body and mind) – nobody gets anywhere when unhealthy
  2. Laziness, inertia (in body and mind)
  3. Inconsistency, instability, not being able to maintain momentum when it’s gained
  4. Doubt (believing you don’t have what it takes)
  5. Apathy (finding excuses instead of solutions)
  6. Overindulgence (attachment to past pleasures or past trauma/pain, unwilling to let it go)
  7. Trying to skip steps of self-growth/self-development
  8. False vision (going after a superficial goal, or someone else’s vision)
  9. Carelessness, lack of perseverance
  10. Arrogance (lack of humility – unwilling to let go of beliefs – mistaking opinions and false perceptions for the truth)

When obstacles arise (and they WILL arise), this is when meditation becomes powerful – we can use subtle tools to transform the fabric of the mind and move beyond obstacles. This helps us understand meditation in its right context. Meditation is not meant to escape problems or responsibilities, it is meant to observe what exists in our inner world, so that we can take responsibility for it and transform it. Eventually, all negativity, all weaknesses and all misalignments in ourselves are corrected.

So self-love means CHOOSING LIFE, and choosing life means understanding that life is growth.

Nurture your own life-force by embracing every step on your journey and everything that you find inside yourself – all your feelings and thoughts connect you to a deeper understanding of creation and of your own soul – throughout time and space.

In Light and Void,


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