Improve Your Flexibility Workshop, Northern England, 5th June 2021
I will be teaching TWO yoga workshops in Northern England over the weekend of 5-6 June. The first is an IMPROVE YOUR FLEXIBILITY workshop (as detailed in the video here) and the second will be a TANTRIC KUNDALINI YOGA INTENSIVE. We are offering Super-Early Bird tickets until 10th May and Early Bird Tickets until 29th May. There is also a further discount if you book both workshops
If you would like to know more about the workshops, contact me by email: [email protected] or on Whatsapp (+44) 0770 333 2737
Dee Sunshine is a Tantric Yoga teacher who also teaches flexibility techniques. He offers one-to-one classes, personalised retreats and workshops. He also offers spiritual healing and tantric healing.
If you would like to know more, contact him by email: [email protected] or on Whatsapp (+44) 0770 333 2737
#TantricYoga #TantricYogaWorkshops #Flexibility #ImproveYourFlexibility #yoga #tantra #meditation #MyoFascialRelease #YinYoga #stretching #OpeningToSpirit #chakras #ChakraHealing #SpiritualHealing #spirituality #AntiAgeing #rejuvination #ImproveHealth #WellBeing #resilience #stamina #Kundalini #TantricKundaliniYoga #vitality #ImproveImmunity #workshops #OneToOne #OneToOneYogaLessons #YogaWorkshops #TantraMassage #TantricMassage #TantricHealing #TantricHealingMassage #YoniMassage #SexualHealth #SexualVitality #TaoistTantra #SpiritualAwakening