YoBit Scalper Bot
The bot is designed for automated trading on the stock exchange YoBit on the strategy of "Scalping". You can trade on any pair.
The program is not finished, but it performs the task. Lies simply so, decided to people give.
Full documentation will be available soon (probably).
In the api file.txt the first line is key, the second line is secret. Take on YoBit.
Currency pair-currency pair for trading.
Number of coins of the first cryptocurrency to buy for the second.
Min. the difference is the minimum difference between the glasses at which the bot will enter the trade. In this case, the bot will place its order at the price of the first order in the glass.
Wholesale. the difference is the optimal difference between the extreme orders in the glasses, when the bot will enter the trade. In this case, the bot will place its order at a price of 0.00000001 cheaper than the last order in the glass.
Wait time — the number of seconds that the bot waits after it has found that the difference between the extreme orders in the glasses allows scalping.
Minimum margin — the minimum margin that the bot will place if there are no more than X orders above our order.
The optimal margin is the margin, in case we can get up first.
Sell to zero-sell to zero with a large number of orders above ours.
When x orders - if X orders for above our order-try to sell to zero.
Show cups-display the cups in the program.
History-my history of the current currency pair.
Orders-my orders for the current currency pair.
Also, the bot is able:
Cancellation of purchase orders-if the bot has placed a purchase order and then found that someone interrupted us – he cancels it and waits for a favorable moment again. Minor small orders (up to 30% of our) are ignored.
Cancellation of sell orders-if the bot has put up a sell order and then found that someone interrupted us – it cancels it and makes the price of 0.00000001 more profitable than the last, if not violated the conditions of "Minimum margin" and "Sale to zero". Minor small orders (up to 30% of our) are ignored.
Current strategy:
For the current strategy it is necessary that the balance was ETH, for which it will buy DOGE. This strategy during the tests gave X2 a week.