Elevate Addiction Services (Scientology Owned and Operated) Yelp Review

in #yelp5 years ago

Daniel M.
San Francisco, CA
13 friends
66 reviews
14 photos

"Elevate will continue to delete my reviews. I will continue to post them.

When I went to elevate is was complete hokum not based at all in science, but rather Scientology. They will say this is not true, but the books are written by L Ron Hubbard, they have pictures of him everywhere, and the staff take off site Scientology classes.

The entire staff other than one nurse (who is not there most days) is ex-addicts who seem to have trouble keeping their hands off the vulnerable people coming off harder drugs. I was informed by staff of multiple sexual assaults while I was there, with the forced ouster of staff afterwards.

Discipline is enforced through hard labor. I've never seen so many skinny, recovering kids out in the rain and snow digging trenches. It was just like the movie holes.

I think the most damning piece of evidence is that this place has changed its name twice in line three years. I heard even worse stories about when it was called "Narconon Vista Bay".

Also, they tell you insurance covers it but I was left with a 35k dollar bill. If you just take a trip into the "TR" room there, you will see them openly training staff to lie to parents and addicts on the phone.

If you want real resources please contact me. I have become sober (no help from elevate), and can point you in the direction of many wonderful programs."



I went there in 2011 when it was under the vista bay name. I’ll say it wasn’t the horror stories I’ve heard of other narconon facilities (I use that term loosely). The staff were nice enough, but not licensed professionals. The other people I met in the program were cool. The stuff IN the program was where I had my issues. And the claims. “75% success rate” BS. I left during book 4b because the “processes” were so mind numbing I felt like I was being brainwashed so I left after 3 months. I just found out that in Jan 2012 about a week before I left, they had allegedly (per a lawsuit) accepted a 5150 involuntarily committed schizophrenic guy who they took off his meds (as they do everyone) and he ended up hallucinating and being picked up by his parents where he ended up killing his father in the car. Steer clear of anything owned by ABLE as it’s a Scientology front group.

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