Thats Civilized - Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) - My thoughts as a human being... and my Remembrance of a "Neighborhood".
Heard this quote today.. It made me really think about how sick we have become as a society...
"Thats the measure of a civilization brother, not how well you agree but how well you disagree bro.. Thats Civilized... "
Yasiin Bey (Mos Def)
I was listening to this Youtube video from the Vigilant Citizen today while I was on travel.
One of the strange things when you become "AWAKE" is that you feel that your actually alone. You can watch Richiefromboston to get an idea if you dont what that means.. Basically, you realize that we are nothing but pawns being geo engineered, vaxed, GMO-ed, and chemtrailed on...
You realize that your surrounded by people all day but they really don't have an understanding or for that matter care to have an understanding of the real world. The real world is not what it really is..
Fact is we are being "contained" by our governments, lied to, used like dead pigs and anything you could imagine. It seems that there is no real responsibility of humanity any more.
Why would I say such a thing.? Well being that I am old enough to remember the days that a neighborhood was actually a neighborhood.. I grew in what was a small middle and working class town called Billerica, MA,_Massachusetts (both of which are hard to find now adays anywhere on both coasts) and everyone know your name.. Matter of fact just about everyone cared to know your name.. Neighbors actually hung out together and trusted their kids to play with each others.. I remember being able to walk to school without much fear of anything.
Now it seems that there is no neighborhood in most cases. What is a neighborhood now?
- Its basically a bunch of people living on top of each other not wanting to participate in each others lives.
- Its basically a competition to collect as much "stuff" as possible and show it off.
- Its basically a family living in a home that is not a family by virtue. Family only by legal title but certainly not by
participation. Just go to a restaurant and look around.. No one can get their faces out of the devices... - Its basically an address that is used to gain wealth or use as an ATM. I remember the days that mortgages were 14% and you
had no housing bubble greed, envy nor disdainment for the sales price your neighbor sold at. flat out a "home was called a home" and not an "investment" or what they really are now is a "storage unit for stuff" - Lastly, it seems to be a place to be high or occupied. Nothing more.
Perhaps, I am wrong to think of things like that. But when you take a macro view of the world and get down to the micro view you can literally look back and confirm the "disintegration" of the human spirit. The slow and steady decay or dignity and respect for each other.
When did "Opiods" become the thing to do.. Or when did committing a "hit and run" with a bicyclist become acceptable? Or when did the "Hunger Games" become the way of the society?
WTF is this inhumane behavior of whipping out your cell phone and just video tape the guy getting the crap beat out of him or my favorite moron of the day video (The guy/gal filming it)that sums how sick we are is this one below to let a mom lay on the floor of a store while her daughter crys for help? What a bunch of weak morons they are..
The fact you two people apparently just filming and not even stepping is clearly what we have at our doorsteps...
We were just in Amelia Island Florida a few weeks ago and these two bicyclists were clearly in the middle of the road not allowing us to make a right turn while they waited for the light. I honked and the dude basically gave me the finger.. My first though was to get out or run the f....r over.. Then I realized thats exactly what they probably wanted..
All I can say is that we are being trained as a society to become less human, more like machines... Or perhaps just a bunch of rats in the cage climbing over each other... Fact is that our daughter is going to inherit a world that is certainly not any better.
Time to finish installing the cameras and the dashcams, load the .45, and dont make face contact with the physcopaths. .. Cant expect help if you or your family needed it now adays when your left for dead... Perhaps i should just pucker up and have some opiods or play on my IPhone (No wonder Steve Jobs was so miserable as a person.., yes i met him..)...
Sadly, i would think we could do better as a society but its apparently systemic and unless the masses want to change it then we must accept the ways of our masters.. Clearly, Rome is falling, the real questions is when and how quickly...
Joe Holbrook Jacksonville, FL