The most beautiful jokes 2019
In one of the intimidation, it was his aunt Amptkhnh ... A day of work is the case that he started to occupy a stop under (knew with Maine Amptkhnh) for men to see the building came and saw his father entered his house stood up and mastered by land hour hour We opened the door and see the men from His house is a little (horror) Few men Yihh terrified me little son of no man I do not want to see you Hone your fear.
Eve envies us because we have: - The phone call ends in 30 seconds. - Be ready to exit in 10 minutes. - A five-day trip requires only one bag. - Friends do not care if your weight increases or decreases. - When turning stations on television is not necessary to stand at every shot where one weeps. - You can go to the public baths without a support or escort team !!! - If one of your friends forgets to invite you on an occasion, it will not ruin your friendship. - Flowers solve all the problems !!!!! - Three pairs of shoes are too much - one mood at all times !!!! - Gray hair: prestige and beauty. - If you are in a party and someone appears with the same clothes, you can become one of your best friends. - The same story of poetry may last for years, maybe decades. - You are thirty-four and not married ... very normal ...
A child asked his father Computer engineer: Papa Baba, how I spent on the world? Father: If you grow up, Papa Bbkrk child: Papa Blaizkni Hala ... Father: Ok hear, but I married your mother, I was waiting for her ... Internet cafe and Cafe Abu Tab work for Mama Connect her time Ajtm worked Download from the Flash Memory Pope And when the door of the Uploading ended, we discovered that the use of Firewall And Antivirus and it is too late and we could not work Cancel OR Delete after nine months Ajana Virus to me is you son of the dog
Was in a unit on her deathbed said to her husband: I have a secret there is a box in the penthouse this key and do not open it after I die but the woman did not die, and the man went to the box and opened it and found three eggs and ten thousand pounds and asked his wife about her said: All I cheated once I put an egg in the box and shocked the husband and then asked her about the prickly said: the more they become eggs carton I sell them