Stellar Lumens (XLM) overnight - don't mention South Korea ;)

in #xlm7 years ago (edited)

What happened in Lumens this night, we had another drop when we should have had a breakout upwards ?

The volume didn't come in, people didn't dare.
One needs to realize that we're herd animals... these curves all show the free will of the majestic human being, or rather the absence of it without the safety of a stampede.

Lumens tried to break through the (lower blue) upper triangle line for hours, but the volume stayed low. So after watching this for awhile, many people who had maybe bought in at $0.68 or somewhere couldn't stand the pressure anymore and panicked out, vacuuming their assets or rather in part handing them over to the bears who will buy them up soon and greedily - the weak-willed just never win.
They should go home and place a sign outside, "I somehow didn't inherit the Earth just yet - will do any job for anyone known to treat a slave decently." Sigh.
Get a grip, folks - there's still stuff to inherit, it's not remotely the end of the world ;)


This sort of thing is happening all over the crypto space, as media sucessfully create an atmosphere of "Oh Titanic, everything will now break down because God and Jamie Dimon frown on little speculators" - this is going to shake more weak hands out, the millions who came in late last year, now handing their borrowed money over to the smiling whales and those who stick to their guns and keep their nerve. It's never possible to say how many softbodies are among asset holders until a situation like this one comes along. You can watch the effect in the lower right corner of the picture.

What will happen ? More consolidation, obviously, till they're all gone, then business as usual - @haejin would call it a healthy correction. The highly impressionable must leave - kids, please get out. Go away, get a foamy latte with extra sugar at SJWBucks and leave this business to people with nerve. Bitcoin is suffering from the hush-hush effect since weeks, it leads to extreme fluctuation in both directions... well we have resistance lines down there - Lumens can't really fall all that low now, but I'm concerned about Bitcoin and Ripple.
Pundits are already trying to convince everybody that the crypto market is dead for a year, you can always interpret charts in ways that scare amateurs, so that their paymasters have leisure to buy everything up as if time had been turned back a year or more, and then pump it th way they see fit.

Then everything will be dandy and the rates will shoot up, just not for the chickens. Good-bye, chickens ! 'Tis been good to know you, wouldn't want to miss your clueless comments on the guru threads. A tip before you leave : this is why someone will always rule you, even with crypto currencies designed to set you free. Ta-da.
Hush. Let's now see this dip a bit further and then rise. No worries, the supply of limp wrists is actually quite limited ;)

PS, edit - forgot to explain, I have adapted the triangle on the chart... it's a bit more elongated now, and I added a new fib started from the actual ten-cent level, which places the 0.618 a bit lower... the yellow line being the golden cut of 0.5 around which we'll be rotating.
We're already gathering upward momentum again while I'm typing this. Any chickens back in ? Then why sell in the first place ?


Ah @jojof, I love your savagery! You go, girl!

Thanks for conf the BTC H&S didn't complete. I thought I was losing the little bit I thought I knew.

I see why you like @haejin. I just watched one of his videos and think it is possible I could learn from him. But I'm sure not there yet.

To me Ewave looks like lines drawn at random and applied wishful thinking. Not knocking Ewave, knocking my perceptions.

It all made sense when I watched @haejin draw the waves but I can't follow him because I'd never believe it or have confidence in it if I were drawing those lines. I can't trade what I can't see.

IMHO, the supply of limp wrists is never predictable. That's what makes a market.

Never stop being savage, please.


Moi ?
I'm trying to stay rational in my rants, as I don't really think that steemit is a place where one should risk anything even close to free speech... but irrationality enrages me, my daddy is an engineer.
Back then he taught me that rationality could solve all problems, but we know better today and logic itself may soon be turned into a forbidden art by the dictatorship of the brooding masses.
Human nature considers it an irritant, and hasn't humanity always been at war with evolution itself ?

Illegitimi non carborundum!

Your daddy is right.

Have a cup of tea and soak in a hot tub.

Duh ;)
Though it's always the fine grain that wears the deepest...

I would view this all as a good thing. Actually, I can't believe how jittery people are in the cryptoC investment world. They really shouldn't be here.

But what it does is makes those profitable swings that much more profitable for the disciplined investor.

Supply and demand WILL rule cryptoC value, bulls and bears will only cause the pendulum to swing widely, they cannot and will not be able to influence the actual rise in legitimate crypto currency's' actual worth.

I'm starting to understand the swings now, I wish I had only invested 10% of my portfolio in the beginning so that I could take greater advantage of these corrections.

I would have been all in once again at the bottom of Bitcoin's correction, and estimate that I would have made an additional 20% profit off of the correction yesterday.

The modern wild wild west IS data, and not just crypto currency.

It's information. We're domesticated apes who couldn't have done what we call civilization without first finding script - that gave us an immeasurable advantage over other animals. We have memory that outlasts death, we can educate our offspring... and ten thousand years later, we falter because we haven't either evolved any further, nor really learned anything (ecology is being exterminated in the service of economy, history keeps repeating itself - not what an 'intelligent' life form would do).

And you can see in the news how there's a great movement that adores the smartphne but sees information (vulgo free speech) as oppressive and would like to turn science into a tool that serves emotionality... add the adoration of fundamentalist Islam, which is only contradictory at surface level, and we're headed straight backwards, shrinking away from growing up.

It think it's an instinctive reaction - the human animal doesn't really want to become conscious, and what is happening with data and AI is what will carry us into the next evolutionary stage - if we can stand the pressure... this one of the more interesting prrojects :

Hey, without those chickens we wouldn't get some fresh money for the next rise :) Damn right, hold !

I only hate chickens when they run ;)
Otherwise, I'm very pro-chicken !
Just trying to be didactic, to avoid the headless-chicken-effect...

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