Our First XERA ICO review
We are so pleased to announce that we have just received our very first XERA ICO review on ICOBench. With an initial rating of 4.8 we are over the moon and wanted to share this news with you. See the link below.
XERA (XERA) - ICO rating and details
XERA [XERA] ICO rating 4.8 out of 5.0, reviews, whitepaper, token price, start and end dates, exchanges, team, and…
Don’t forget to follow us and join our expanding XERA community.
We are back again with more news!
The XERA team have been busy getting things ready for the start of the forthcoming ICO and the launch of our amazing XERA platform. Read on for the latest news and information.
Announcing the XERA ICO Token Competition
The XERA Token Competition
Ready for some free tokens? Join our gleam competition and win. The more entries, the more chances to win. Go to: http://giveaway.xera.tech and grab some free tokens today!
More exciting news
The XERA exchange designers and developers have been very busy and making some amazing progress. We are planning to build and release a test engine before the end of September. You could soon be able to see and enjoy first hand the XERA experience! Watch this space for further announcements.
Whitelisting coming soon
Being whitelisted will enable you to verify and sign-up for the XERA ICO token sale. This will ensure that you don’t miss out on any early investor bonuses. We are hoping to have this ready in just a few days time and will post a link from our main web page.
More great news coming soon….
XERA — We’re with you all the way
Useful Links
Official Website: https://xera.tech
Telegram: https://t.me/xeraexchange
Whitepaper: XERA-White-Paper_v1.1.pdf
Xera Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4879196.new#new
Twitter: https://twitter.com/xeratech
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xeraexchange/