Garden Warfare 2: Extreme Power Buff
Imagine the power of the flag of power’s power upon your powerful hands. Wouldn’t it be great to have the power of the flag of power, but DOUBLE? Today, I’m talking about how you can do that.
So, first, you need a friend. And you. Keep in mind that the lower your characters health, the lower the chance that this will work. Ask your friend to be a rose, and make sure he/she has the base goatify. You need to be a zombie character for this to work.
Now that you have your character, and your friend is a rose, as a zombie, raise the flag of power. Let your friend capture the flag, but just as it is nearly finished being captured, let your friend goatify you. Stand still! Let your friend continue capturing. When the flag has been captured, explosions will set off. As a goat, you need to jump around and dodge them until you are set back to normal. Boom! You have the power of the flag. And you still get your normal XP Multiplier, don’t worry. Test out how strong you are now.
But it isn’t over yet. Now have your friend raise the flag. Have him/her step out and you capture the flag. Just as you are done, have your friend goatify you. Stay still until it is over. Then jump around.
Great job, you now have the flag of power extreme buff. Test it out on your rose friend. Use this whenever you need to level up in the backyard battleground.
Have fun!