Let’s talk about travelling and books

in #writting7 years ago (edited)


Today I would like to share with few travel books with all my steemit friends.

  1. 《The Dharma Bums》Jack Kerouac, he dedicated the book for ancient Chinese poet— Han Shan. He was a Chinese hermit who lived in the mountains and medicated Zen and Buddhist, he is the hero of Jack Kerouac.
    Jack Kerouac advocated with backpacking’s revolution to against materialism. He was the hippie love oriental zen and natural spirit; he had a burning desire for liberalism; he preferred to do the meditation to lead himself to detachment.
    In my opinion, Jack Kerouac is so avant-garde. Actually, by contrast, we are the the "lost generation" who are working like a machine to buy the stuff we don’t need it.

Here is the interview of him.


  1. 几年前读的杰克·凯鲁亚克,但他的《在路上》并没有惊艳到我,直到看了《达摩流浪者》,一本献给唐代诗人寒山子的书。用背包革命来对抗物质主义,热爱东方禅宗和自然精神的嬉皮士,对自由主义满腔热血,喜欢用打坐来将自己引向超脱,当时读的时候就觉得凯鲁亚克真前卫。对下之下,我们这些被生活推着走的人才是“迷惘的一代”。


  1. 《My First Summer in the Sierra》 written by John Muir.
    The author Muir loves nature with enthusiasm, and he use his childlike clear yes and artless tone to praise nature as praise his mother.
    Example, “Night is coming on, the gray rock waves are growing dim in the twilight. How raw and young this region appears! Had the ice sheet that swept over it vanished but yesterday, its traces on the more resisting portions about our camp could hardly be more distinct that they now are. The horses and sheep and all of us, indeed, slipped on the smoothest places.”
    “Everything awakening alert and joyful; the birds begin to stir and innumerable insect people. Deer quietly withdraw into leafy hiding-places in the chaparral; the dew vanishes, flowers spread their petals, every pulse beats high, every life cell rejoices, the very rocks seem to thrill with life. The whole landscape glows like a human face in a glory of enthusiasm, and the blue sky, pale around the horizon, bends peacefully down over all like vast flower.”
    “Going to the woods is going home, for I suppose we came from the woods originally. But in some of nature's forests, the adventurous traveler seems a feeble, unwelcome creature; wild beasts and the weather trying to kill him, the rank, tangled vegetation, armed with spears and stinging needles, barring his way and making life a hard struggle.”
    In his book, there is no adventure and loneliness of hiking, he has only very sweet state of mind. The whole book is like a gentle stream slips into the heart, you will feel very fresh and soft touch your heart.

2.《夏日走过山间》约翰缪尔对大自然充满了热枕,他以孩童般清澈的眼睛用纯真灵动的笔调像歌颂母亲一样歌颂自然中的一切,“夜幕降临,山岩在朦胧的薄暮中起伏。这个地区看起来多么年轻!就算横扫此地的大冰川是昨天才消逝的,它们在营地四周留下的痕迹也不如现在这样清晰。事实上,马匹、羊群和我们都曾在最光滑的地方跌倒过。” “苏醒的万物透着欢愉;鸟儿开始惊扰无数虫子;鹿安静地躲入灌木丛茂密的枝叶中;露水消失,花瓣展开,每个脉搏都跳动得更快,每个生命细胞都欣喜万分,似乎连岩石也颤动着生命的气息。”

  1. 《 Hoshino’s Alaska>》written by Michio Hoshino. He is a Japanese first photographer, he lived in Alaska for 20 years, he lived there like a local, he also took a lot of animals photos from Alaska. Once he was taking photos of a bear, and the bear beat him to dead. But I think, his short life is already completed, he did what he wanted, he enjoyed his life as much as he can. There are many amazing Alaska’s photos in the book, it’s really worth to buys.

Here is the video of him.


Have you also read these books before? Or do you also have any recommends about other books? Feel free to write me!



i also like travel and books

Thank you for your recommendation, these books are very interesting

Thank you dear @allesia! I'm happy you like the recommendation!:-)

过年好!cn区点赞机器人 @cnbuddy 谢谢你对cn区的贡献。假如我的留言打扰到你,请回复“取消”。


Great post! I Will deffinetely check out the first boom!! Looks very interesting!

I bought a book at the airport just recently and i love it. I glad i made the decision to buy it to accompany me during my travels. It’s called “the art of thinking clearly” by Rolf Dobelli. It tells us how we usually think and how it effects our decisions in everyday life. You should try reading it ☺️

原來kindle有生詞提示lol, 我用了那麼久都不知道😂


Thank you for your recommendation,i like this post

听你这么一说 我觉得应该去看看《达摩流浪者》呢,只看过《在路上》,也是没有被惊艳到。更喜欢《摩托日记》那种,书和电影都比较有意思,在阿根廷时还买了本西班牙语的,后来实在啃不下去扔在了民宿 呵呵




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