Writing Prompts (Week 1) | Extraction |

in #writingprompt6 years ago (edited)

This writing prompt has been going on and on in my head for a while now, like a little Shia in the back of my head telling me to JUST DO IT!!! So, I guess the delay is over, here I come, I'm gonna do it, I'M GONNA DO IT!!! takes a deep breath

Source: GIPHY

We were commisioned to go retrieve some old artifact, I can still hear my last conversation with the Admiral in my head, - COULD YOU SHUT UP FOR A MINUTE MARG?! I'M ON THE INTERVESSEL QUANTUM COMMUNICATOR!... Where was I? Oh yes, this is an extremely important and of course dangerous mission, Commander Phepard, getting our hands on this artifact is key for understanding the traditions and customs of our long lost ancestor and perhaps we will not commit their same mistakes and crimes, please send the artifact to my ship when you find it, I'm counting on you and your crew Commander, Admiral M. out! - Now that I think about it, that wasn't much a conversation, I didn't get to say anything, but I didn't have the time to think about that, we were approaching an old station orbiting the sole natural satellite of the planet, as we prepared I could feel it in the air, this was the most important mission in a long time and our crew knew it, a mix of nervousness, expectation, danger, and excitement surround us all, we were approaching our home planet, where it all began.

Our pilot Moker flew us to the coordinates the Admiral send us, I must say that the decent was rougher than we expected, our hull struggled to stay together while we were entering the atmosphere, for some reason it was denser than our instruments indicated us earlier, perhaps it mimics the ancient inhabitants of this planet. We landed near some ruins covered by vegetation, there were no heat signatures nearby so we assumed there were no animals close to us and the silence confirmed it, we began our walk toward the main ruin where are supposed to find the artifact, it was a tall building covered by vegetation as well, it was run down and had an ominous air surrounding it but from the windows you could see it was full of flowers, it was a thing of beauty to see life thriving on this planet, but no more delays, we entered.

As we traveled through the ruins the silence became thicker, Moker was blasting some of his old school music from the ship but we got to a point where we couldn't hear anything from the outside, suddenly one of our crew members interrupted that silence, he had a respiratory spasm and his eyes were a bit watery, the medical team warned us that we may go through a process of acclimatization so we didn't pay to much attention to it, but the spams were more and more frequent and when another member of the crew showed the same symptoms I remember watching an ancient vid about a common disease, something called al-erg-jeez, we must hurry!

The disease started to affect us all and navigating the ruins was harder than before, fortunately, we were approaching to the retrieval point, at the time we arrived the spams were almost unbearable, some of the crew members passed out and some rescue drones came to take them away, I was the only one left but there I was in front of a small and rudimentary safe in a dark humid and ruined room, my eyes cried and I struggled to stay conscious as I opened what seemed like a leather container, this had to be, I called the last rescue drone as a gripped the container against my body hoping for the best, the al-erg-jeez took my whole team and I didn't know what would happen next, will my crew be ok? Is the disease fatal? Dark thoughts flooded my mind as I passed out. I woke up in the medical bay of my ship when we hit a Fast Relay and we engaged on Faster Than Light travel, the Admiral M was in possession of the artifact and wanted to speak to the whole crew before opening it and its secrets. We gathered in the comms room and the hologram of the Admiral appeared in front of us. - Congratulations everyone, your efforts were not in vain, our medical team confirmed that you're all safe, you just experienced a common condition, something to thank our ancestors, you are under nor harm, in other news our science team just told me that this is the artifact we were looking for, it in an ancient language, none of us can read or understand it, but with the help of our integrated techno translator we can figure it out, here we go! -. The expectation was killing us and those few seconds seemed like hours, our faces brighten when we finally saw a face coming out of the display, and a few words that changed everything and I will never forget Firefly: Un-aired Episodes.

Source: GIPHY

What a ride! This was my entry for the first week of the Writing Prompts contest held by @themarkymark I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it and thanks a lot to everyone supporting this contest.

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Source: GIPHY

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I love the description you make of the whole event, it's like watching a movie when reading it. In addition to the touch of humor that you add

I guess that comes with working in the bussiness lol I'm so glad you liked it, I'm not much of writing stories but I'm trying to do new things lol

It was really like a small journey. And the unexpected ending was just wow! Nice work.

Thanks, @anasav I tried to mix some humor with the main objective of the writing prompt, tension. I'll wait for the judges decision lol I'm so glad you liked it =)

Hi elfranz,

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