Struggling With My Muse
I read this poem written by @rensoul17 and I felt my heart reconciling with my muse.
The thing is, lately I have been fighting with my muse, struggling to get on with it and it affected the vision behind my writings(or so I thought) and I slacked and doubted myself.
I went from being a day-to-day writer to being one who scribbles something once in a number of days. Initially, I thought it was because of lack of time but gradually I realised(thanks to @rensoul17) that my muse(whatsover that is or who is) has left me.
So If you are struggling to find your feet at where you belong, this one is for you.
Along this path we strive
Searching for the right words to live by
Maybe confused at times of what our hearts really long for
Sometimes we get lost in this maze
When we are searching for ourselves
While we are searching for the reason we even started
Don't let the wrong thoughts get the better of you
You are better than anything you have ever become
And you know it.
Lets not fold our wings of life
And squat in the mire of strife
It doesn't matter how long we squat
But how long we want to stand
Lets not survive on our knees
But live while standing
We are better than our past can ever imagine
Only if we let the future be our inspiration
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