write to release.

in #writing7 years ago

Writing is a form of connection, a way to bring awareness to our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Writing can be an act of release, as it allows us to get out of our head. Many times when I feel so overcome with intense emotion, and I'm in a space where I don't feel comfortable talking with someone, writing is an outlet that helps. So often we get stuck in the endless loops that our mind's create. The act of physically writing what is happening in our mind forces us to see it as separate from us, and this can be the first step towards creating a shift in mindfulness.


-Grab your notebook and pen and write at the top of the page "how do I feel right now?"

-Set the timer on your phone for 3 minutes and just start writing- don't let the pen leave the paper

-Write from the heart, free from judgement, free from thought- whatever comes up- this could be a list of words or a story about something going on in your life, or just a stream of thoughts and emotions- there is no right or wrong way, it's just whatever you are feeling right now

-When your three minutes is up, write "how do I want to feel right now?" - choose at least 3-5 words or phrases that come to mind- examples could be happy, loved, peaceful, calm, energetic, grounded, focused etc. - come back to these words throughout your day to affirm your intentions

**Loved this practice? There are many ways to take this to the next level by integrating specific forms of writing practices to deepen your connection to mindfulness toward self-- curious on how to do so? Reach out and ask if this is an area you're interested in, I'd love to guide you through expanding this practice


Yes! Writing is a foundational tool I use to sort through and find clarity on my mental mess.

i always find it so helpful to get out of my head!

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