Assumptions , assumptions and just assumptions

in #writing4 years ago

Assumptions, assumptions and just assumptions or should I say Quarantine life-affecting mental health of some people? I have some questions in my mind. Why do we think so negatively? Why do we assume a lot without any reason? Are we this free in this world or this lockdown is affecting our mental health. Instead of making your quarantine life productive, we are just busy in accusing and accusing and making unreasonable assumptions.

Yes talking about real-life strange people. I am the kind of person who doesn't respond to calls or messages on time. If not so much necessary then I do respond when I feel like or I feel comfortable. I can't be available for anyone all the time. If you called me or you texted me and if I didn't reply then you will accuse me by saying this.

Your friends are just a time pass for you. you use them when you are bored lol. First of all, I'd like to say when I message any of my friend I never expected instant reply. And same theory I apply on myself too.

In this whole world why I have just one best friend? it is because only she is the one knows about me very well. She knows I am not going to respond her on time and she never expected that. Then who are you? Btw thanks for giving me a topic to write on I was thinking what should I post today :P XD

Ok, You guys might have been thinking what I am writing or why so the story of the day is :

Today I got a message from my one of cousins. She was bored and she wanted to chit chat with me. We have family Whatsapp group where they chat all the time. Hell yes, :P XD. I muted that group and hardly visit :P XD

I am the most silent member of that family group. Everyone thinks I Live in my own comfort zone and don't like to chat with others.

But they don't know I chat but chat where I love to chat :P XD. If only they know where I spend my time :P So yes I prefer to spend my time where I feel comfortable and I enjoy.

When I didn't respond to her calls and messages on time then she accused whenever I need them They are always available and whenever they need me I don't bother to respond on time.

I kept silent and just replied my phone was on silent mode. But my this excuse is really getting old and very bored. I need a new and innovative excuse now:P

Later she sent me this quote :P Xd I was googling this quote because I can't share quote without a link so there is that


hmmmmmmm well this is true I second that😂 Good night guys please take care of your mental health during this lockdown period. I am seeing the effects of this lockdown 😝

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