The Wonderful World Of Words, 3/27/17

Do you like the thrill of bungee jumping? Possibly the surge of fear from a scary movie is more to your liking or perhaps you simply desire the intoxication of new love?
Whatever adrenaline rush you prefer, this word is for you.
Whatever adrenaline rush you prefer, this word is for you.

A sudden and strong feeling of fear, excitement, or thrill
French (frisson, "shiver, thrill")
Avaitelle envie que leur biographie soit un jour publiée ? Le FRISSON de la Victoire est tiré d'une histoire vraie, celle de deux jeunes étudiants qui se rencontrent en 1936 sur les bancs de l'Université de Bruxelles et qui décident de s'engager dans la résistance dè le début de la guerre.
Did she want her biography to be published one day? The Frisson de la Victoire is drawn from a true story, that of two young students who meet in 1936 on the benches of the University of Brussels and who decide to engage in resistance from the beginning of the war. --Google Translate
--Le FRISSON de la victoire (The Shiver of Victory)
by Mylène Laurent, 2014
La louve blanche – Shelby– grogna, mais sans m'attaquer. Les loups regardaient sans arrêt le véhicule.Il y avait quelqu'un dedans. Et maintenant? Et maintenant ? L'incertitude me déchirait. Sam. Je sursautai, parcouru d'un grand FRISSON .
The white she-wolf-Shelby-grunted, but without attacking me. The wolves kept looking at the vehicle. There was someone in it. And now? And now ? Uncertainty tore me apart. Sam. I jumped up, shuddering. --Google Translate
by Maggie Stiefvater, 2011

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