Happy Steemiversary! I'm also seeing a positive direction after the latest hardfork. Glad your dad is getting some big upvotes, his photos are amazing!
I also found the @ifc a great experience that really got me integrated into using Steem, and that has been life changing! Not because of income, because of the mindset shift. I know I haven't been around much for season 2, I've just hit my capacity for working and trying to keep my business afloat, so I don't write nearly as much as I'd like. Will be back, as I'm able.
Good to hear you're feeling hopeful!
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks wholeself-in! :) It's nice to hear from you.
That's encouraging to hear you have seen a similar positive direction after the recent Hardfork and thank you for the sentiments about my father's photography and for appreciating his artwork!
That's awesome you found the IFC to be a great experience which helped you integrate more into using steem! Also, that it has been life changing in a mindset shift sort of way. I feel like that too on my end and... That makes me happy. :D
Understood in regards to not being around as much for season 2, I've been super busy as well! I can't even keep up with my messages, but I do my best.
We are still judging the entries and are on round 8 I think? So if you wanted to get any late entries in from somewhere around round 10 or up you could, however I have a feeling I'm going to give you all 3 of my votes for the hero round where you drew that awesome picture and talked about the show you liked when you were younger, so I'm pretty certain you are guaranteed to make it into the finals already at this point in time as only 1 point is needed this season to make it into the finals.
You could possibly improve your rank and exp and such if you wanted to, but you're already in the finals and I will notify you when we start them!
Thanks for the nice message and I hope you are doing well! Bye until next time. :)