
in #writing7 years ago (edited)


An arpeggio of angelic tones rouses me from a bourbon induced stupor and plays hopscotch
Across the corners of my heart as I adjust my posture against the back of the corner booth.
The barrenness of my soul had matched the now empty shot glass only seconds ago, but
A slight idiosyncrasy in my thought pattern ignites something unnameable in my core.
From my vantage point, I cannot discern who sits behind the piano; I check my reflection
In the window behind me, hoping that I do not portray the bedlamite that stares back at me.
It is without consequence now, and I smooth my hair in a feeble attempt to right myself
Before maneuvering around the scuffed edges of the table and into a more vertical position.
The earlier prevarication with my own demons tempered by three doses of well aged courage,
Has left me in a state twice removed from sobriety; I fear the pending failure of my legs.
The melody plays a contrasting soundtrack to my advance from the rear of the bar, and each
Masterfully rendered note lures me forward with a mixture of seduction and encouragement.
Timidly I retrieve a folded bill from my clutch and reach towards the tip jar only to miscue
And set it to wobbling in a mocking dance as it descends in slow motion to the tile below.
The shattering of glass and the coin lodged in my shoe make an attempt to incite shame, but
Their showing is upstaged by the dark haired stranger who has temporarily abandoned his keys.

Copyright 2017 Tina Jordan All Rights Reserved

Image public domain via Pixabay

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"The earlier prevarication with my own demons tempered by three doses of well aged courage,"
"Masterfully rendered note lures me forward with a mixture of seduction and encouragement."
my two favorite lines, I did not read it, I studied it, you are good my dear...
I have spent the last three months (hours and hours ) laid up reading literature from the early and mid 1800's...due to the broken feet...then I found steemit..those authors do not rival you...can not wait to read your next one!

You are a fantastic writer just takes you there...I believe that I have told you this before I love reading and feeling your words travelling with you in your imagination ....thank you :) :)

Thank you so much! :)

So very deserve the praise...very talented :) :)

Thank you!! :)

I love this piece. I feel I've been that person before! Glad those days are in the past.

Thanks! I'm not much of a drinker, but sometimes I dream about being intoxicated lol :D

Wow, for not being a drinker you nailed it! you are very talented.

Oh don't let me paint myself too pretty.. I've been drunk a few times in the past lol :D Just don't have a taste for it now. About twice a year, a good sip or two does it. Thanks again!

I would love to learn to play piano... who knows if i will have a chance to learn and to just 1% from my hobbies :-)

I would too :) I used to be a band geek and still love music in many many forms. Thanks for reading :)


Check this out. I love the new way of mixing music. Found that awesome man who knows a lot about music, making new mixes with new tech. Love his channel:

(7) ANDREW HUANG - YouTube

New music pads, light pads... are awesome. And he is doing music from anything around. gg

I'll definitely check it out :)

:-) after i wrote it here i went there and watched 10 or more videos. uhm, nice ideas he have