Do These Issues Prevent You From Writing Articles?

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

As an aspiring article writer there are several roadblocks you need to get past. Most article writers have banged their heads into these exact same obstacles. The truth is that most of them are really easy to get past.

1. My Writing Is really Bad

“I don’t write very well.” Is a very commonly used excuse. Frankly everybody feels like that now and then, but it’s just not true. You’re supposed to write an article not Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet.

Another common excuse is bad spelling. Well, that’s a really bad excuse. Pretty much any word processing tool on the planet has a build in spellchecker. Running your article through that should take care of most spelling errors. Even if you think your spelling is great you should still run your article through a spellchecker. Typos are more common than you think.

Right after spelling people will often mention grammar. Would you believe, in this day and age there are even tools that can help with that. If you don’t want to spend money on that have one or two friends or relatives look through your article. They will most likely be able to notice things that seem off.

2. I Don’t Have Anything New To Offer

Well, even if you’re absolutely certain that people know everything you have to say about a subject; tell it again. Tell them in your words. First of all I can assure you that there will be things they didn’t know. Second of all it never hurts to be told the same thing twice, but in different ways.

So even if you think you have nothing new to add to a subject you should still give it a go. More often than not there will be details here and there that someone else did not know.

3. I Don’t Know Enough About The Subject

Well, that might actually be a good thing. Writing about something you don’t know anything about means that you have to do some research. That will usually bring a sense of exploration to your article. In fact by simply looking at a topic with a fresh set of eyes you may notice things that nobody else thought about. Lack of knowledge should definitely not hold you back.

So you’re writing about a brand new subject, which means that you now have to do a bit of research. If you’re thinking that you have to spend hours at the library you’re wrong. Going to the library can’t hurt, but most of the knowledge you need is right at your fingertips. Make use of search engines and other tools to research your topic.

4. I Don’t Know What To Write About

Well, writing articles about a hobby or your business is an excellent to get started. That may span several potential subjects which can ironically make it even harder to determine the subject of a specific article. It’s a common error to think about something and then decide that it doesn’t warrant an article. More often than not it does.

If you’re looking for more inspiration than that you just take a look at the magazine rack at your store. In fact bookstores can also be excellent sources of inspiration. If something sells really well there’s a good chance that it’s a good topic to wrtie articles about.

5. Nobody Wants To Read What I Write

Yes they do. Really I don’t have to say more than that, but I’m going to anyway. In the world we live in today website owners are hungry for fresh material and will happily put your article on their website. Most article directories allow site owners to use the content as long as they credit the author. That’s an excellent way to plug your website and yourself.

Really, there are no excuses so get on with it and get writing.


awesome post @thoughtsflowing
you are absolutely right .........!!

you're welcome :)

Loved your post, well done! I would rather skip a few days than write a tiny post without time to research and think about it. I love the creativity and freedom of writing anything here!! Upvoted, resteemed and followed you @thoughtsflowing


Let's help each other! would u do the same with me and my last article?

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