Training the Modern Slave- Part 1: Money Magic

in #writing7 years ago

The true purpose of money: it is specifically designed to restrict and manage the organic flow of energy which otherwise naturally occurs between individuals within a society.

See the Introduction to this series, 'Training the Modern Slave, Intro to Part 1.'


Most human energy is wasted.

There have been instances in human history where the resources, energy and time of a group of humans actually benefitted those same humans, as they shared and created a suitable world for themselves according to the natural flow-- the currency of energy-- within such an organic system.

That was before money came along.

Add the friction of money to one of these organically structured communities of beings, rev it up, and that peaceful, smooth-running engine will be throwing sparks within minutes.

As long as the human population is busy trying to collect another dollar, their daily efforts to capture that dollar will often be the entirety of their creation during their lives.

If each human thought becomes a thing, then each day’s very real money problems become the very thing that the human culture manufactures daily.

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This is your brain.

The Mind On Money

The human brain consists of a primitive stem called the R Complex, which is an easily-triggered bundle of nerves in our heads that is still laden with animalistic instincts. This stem is an organ that is programmed with ancient survival rituals, but is a stem which is now surrounded by a larger section of brainy stuff that gives us all of our smarts like reason, logic, intellect, and such.

For an interesting experiment that can be tried at home; think of something that scares you every day.

Got something? Now, instinctively the brain’s logical neocortex department will recognize that fearful something, and will send out memos to other parts of the brain, including a little heads-up to that old survival freak of the brain; that instinctive, reactive, ”FIGHT, OR FLIGHT?” reptilian brain, the R- Complex.

An alarm goes off.

This screaming alarm sends all blood to the extremities, little red-blooded soldiers to the front line, ready for action.

Subsequently, this diversion of the flow of energy and blood within the physical body deprives the brain of oxygen, that same brain where any rational thought or reason might have otherwise bloomed.

With a single fearful thought-- be it losing a job, having a utility shut off, or simply not being able to keep enough food in the pantry for lack of funds-- blood leaves the brain, and the oxygen-deprived organ begins to falter.

Feel that ulcerous nausea brewing from all that adrenaline pouring into the gut, that jittery anguish that now charges through the whole body with nowhere to go?

Breath! It was only an experiment, and as the blood begins to return to our brains, we might now easily imagine how-- through chemical and psychological means-- an entire population with money on their minds might lose some of their mental capacity simply from the fear of running out of that money, or the persistent fear of never having enough money to suit their needs.

Having felt exactly how scarcity can affect the individual’s mind and body, it’s time to move on to mass hypnosis, wherein the infamous US Dollar acts as a magical talisman, expertly charged with symbols and numerology, and is carried about ritualistically by anyone bound by it’s spell.


Money Magic

”The talisman is supposed to insure to it’s bearer the goodwill of influential persons.” - Lewis Spence, ‘An Encyclopaedia of Occultism’

A talisman is an object which is designed in order to transfer power and benefits to the one who holds it.

The mysterious and forbidden symbols that decorate the US one dollar bill and their meanings are intentionally displayed on this talisman in plain view, giving the dollar a look of ancient wisdom, a hidden power which the bearer might hope to emulate.



Indeed, the very word ‘money’ might be read as mon- eye, the ONE eye, as if it is a force which rules over all levels of consciousness like a god, a deity that is able to see in every direction, and able to peer into the darkest reaches of the mind with supernatural clarity.

Masquerading as a deity, the almighty dollar speaks to the subconscious mind through it’s symbology, and the familiar pyramid topped with an illuminated all-seeing eye is prominently displayed on the device, as if boasting it’s omnipotence.


Through such subliminal conditioning of a society’s mind, the group has something that they now think is worth fighting for, and feel that they are part of a supernatural kingdom of Earthlings, the favored ones who are privileged enough to be blessed with a close relationship with such a supreme being as money.

By money’s sorcerous intrusion into the mind of a society, the group feels like they now possess something worth killing for.

A New God For Humanity

With it’s godlike qualities so mortally jabbed into the mind of a society, money can now assume control over all levels of that natural human interaction.

What was once a free exchange of knowledge in a tribal, gift economy among individuals, can instead become a competition to see who can get the most of this god into their lives.

Now, instead of giving, the humans might donate to their neighbors, and instead of freely sharing, they might rent to the needy.

No longer would neighbors be expected to help each other, when they can be hired to work elsewhere.

Restriction of Resources

Now deeply burrowed into society’s collective head, money can begin restricting the flow of resources within communities.

Visible now is the true function of this money spell; an energy resistor, slowing everything down as the natural and organic exchange of resources is impeded by money’s interference. Each human interaction is taxed, and the world of abundance that these subjects once thrived in is now reduced to a trickle under the dollar’s reign.

Money Spreads Dis-ease

We put ourselves in survival mode, sometimes all day, sometimes all month, and a dull fog of confusion lingers over a population so driven by fear, like a low scream that everyone pretends to ignore.

When the fear of scarcity becomes the primary recurring thought for a populace, then their primary creation will likely be one of fear and scarcity.

Whether by constant mental stress over money or the certain physiological toll that such stress has on the body, it’s bad for our health to be worried so much.

Good News for Modern Earthlings

Here in 2018, it has become quite obvious to many that the US dollar’s might and godlike power has begun to wane in recent times.

It could be that since the Federal Reserve Note was only designed to cast it’s spell for 100 years, then the subjects of the dollar’s sorcery might have actually begun their awakening from that hypnosis in the year 2013.

Perhaps we are already free of the spell, since the US dollar has been officially dead for five years already, and only it’s legacy and treacherous past remain in the air around us like a bad smell.

Fortunately, we now have cryptocurrencies to help reconnect humanity, and the old money system of debt-based fiat currencies are coming to an end now, with perfect timing for the world.

all images above are mine, 2018


click @therealpaul for more


The agreements are powerful, handed to us as children from grown ups who also had them handed to them. I think history shows that most people prefer to have their experts think for them. Enough that in most times the "experts" can point them as weapons against the free thinkers who question and see what is taking place.

Henry Ford said that if the people understood what the Federal Reserve was there would be rioting in the streets. The problem is most do not want to understand. They can't afford to understand, because then it might require them to have different actions which would separate them from the dollar, from the protection of the "experts" who relieve them from their responsibilities.

The spell is strong, and reminds me of when Arjuna was facing everyone he loved on the battlefield. The battleground all free thinkers daring to claim their sovereignty find themselves on.

I have studied this for decades, and your article hits home as it links ideas of energy principles being contagious as it is used to force a sleep on the sheep to be fleeced. I look forward to your next installment.

It seems like only now are the experts being questioned, and even as we write here, those who question the experts are having their Utube channels removed by the google Ministry of Truth, as the experts desperately try to manage the public dialogue.

The battlefield sounds too familiar, and yet lately some of the wildest conspiracies ever to hit the internet are being shown to be conspiracy facts, so that many of these things that you and I have studied for decades are likely to become commonly known to all.

Years ago (seems a lifetime now) I used to be a chess player. I was decent enough, my aggressive tendencies reminding some of my better opponents of Bobby Fischer. Time and again I was defeated though by those who had one of two qualities.

A photographic memory or an uncanny ability to see the variables in the future moves beyond my capacity. Beginning in my thirties I took an interest in history searching for something. I really have no definitive answer as to what as I am still in many ways the same fool who walks asleep a lot of the time as I was then. But I noticed things in that studying despite that. Patterns in history.

These patterns look much like the chess games I used to play with the second opponent I could never beat at chess. Patterns that suggest that the many of the ideas and movements popping up that seem to give hope are maneuvers by chess masters who have been to this rodeo so many times they move their cattle pieces with ease while the cattle feel confident the game is about to turn.

It does not escape me that the very tools that are being used to expose the house of cards were given to us and funded by the very people they seem to topple. I have been telling those few close to me to watch over the coming year or so as people we consider powerful are thrown to the wolves to further grow this sense that things are progressing. Yet these powerful people that will be cast aside are little to the real farmers of the human farm.

My apologies for rambling. This is not the type of conversation that takes place a lot off the internet. I am glad I found your blog, will be curious to see where it heads as your knowledge of times from antiquity piqued my interest greatly. Have a nice night.

Ah - Finally!

Sho, you dug quite deep into the money control topic, and I fully agree with you, the one thing that I would like to ad onto this is that I do not believe that this is linked to just the USD.

This is a South-African R50 Note, beautiful isn't it?


But at the end of the day my pretty pictures implies exactly the same as yours, just as an example - lets look at the animals - now every denomination has a picture of a different type of animal on it, and yet when you peer into the majority of the cultures in Africa, you will notice that Animals have always been a sign of abundance as well as a blessing directly from their higher entity (shortened version) what it comes down to, is that It holds the same meaning as your pyramid.

But oh-oh, what about the cultural shift that happened in 1995, when the apartheid ban was lifted and the youth had the freedom to break away from their indoctrinated cultures and beliefs - for them, animals no longer carries that same symbolism to link the connection... well they catered for them too by putting a symbol of empowerment that they can directly associate with on the flip-side, and what better sign of empowerment could they have chosen than the face of the man who lifted them from oppression.

I am going to stop there, because these rabbit holes tend to run deep, and I will be sitting here typing till next week Tuesday if I have to type it all out LOL

Brilliant Post!!

That is interesting, they use the same formula for the talisman, a face, or some image that seems to give it's power to the bearer of the object. Good eye, catching that subliminal messaging, I think this topic will start appearing more as time goes on, and as money weakens further.

Yes indeed, and I am glad that people are opening up to this, it is about time that people start controlling their own lives in stead of solely depending on these lovely little government "I.O.U's"

Wow,very interesting and practical work you have done my dear.Yes money is the director and all the population of the universe are acting according to its direction.Our brains and minds are influence greatly for its every jump.You are very differant in your opinion and thought,so far as i come to understand your post,our whole body system are under the grab of money.Thanks for the practicality you have share with us.Hope, you are doing well my friend.

I'm happy to see money's influence becoming weaker in the modern world. It starts in the mind, and affects our health and well being when we worry about things too much. I hope you are doing well too!

I sent a little message to the fiat currency God today👎🏻 Go back to hell and I’m walking away from your energy sucking matrix 🌀

That god's inbox must be filled with such messages by now, and they are not returning my calls.

Wow. Great work! Thank you!!

nice post
thanks for sharing it
i like it

upvote and resteem done

The life was good before money came into existence, people used to purchase things by offering another, but now life gmhas changed it's because of the money, and I agree Money spreads diseases

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a nice post thanks for sharing information and i can only upvote and resteem @therealpaul

it's a very-very extraordinary post friends, thank you friends have shared our post, hopefully you are healthy and successful always, and always in the protection of god Almighty

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