Mistress of Magic: Morgan's First Apprentice - Chapter 8 - A Part for The Sisterhood [NSFW]
New to the story? Previous chapters can be found on the @mistress account that was created exclusively for this novel. Follow @mistress for your weekly installment of Mistress of Magic every Saturday.
Disclaimer: This chapter includes detailed descriptions of sexual acts that may be considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Be advised and enjoy yourself. ;)
By the time I was done dressing and made my way up the stairs to the main bedroom, I could hear Morgan enter the suite. I hurried to the bedroom, and she entered just as I sat down on the couch facing the canopied bed. The shutters were closed, and the room was lit with candles as it was before.
“So. Traditions,” Morgan finally said, sitting down next to me. She seemed somewhat annoyed and I was hoping it wasn't something I did. "As I have told you, I am not big on religion and its rituals, but the Order has… some traditions." She pushed the words out like she was birthing them in great agony. "When a Lady is put on the path you now walk, her maidenhood is kept by the Sisterhood."
"Kept by the Sisterhood?" I echoed quietly. Path? What path?
"Yes," Morgan said and turned to produce a decorative wooden box. On its top, there was room for a name plaque, and its ornaments resonated with magic when I looked at it.
"Kept in one of these. It's called a Phallum." She opened the box. Inside was a phallic object, made of a smooth dark material, wrapped in black velvet. “Go on,” Morgan said. “Touch it.”
I reached out slowly to touch the object and immediately pulled away. It generated a strange magical buzz, like a tugging at the magic in me. In the distance, somewhere beyond the castle walls, I could hear thunder rolling.
"It's an enchanted dragonstone… tool," Morgan continued. "You felt it when you touched it. The enchantment. It is how this leaves a part of you with the Sisterhood. In a large underground catacomb beneath the Palace of Mistresses called the Hall of Innocence..." Morgan realized I was no longer paying attention, but staring at the Phallum instead. I was beginning to understand where that was meant to go. How exactly my maidenhood would be taken.
"Why do they keep it, though? Is it… a tradition? A religious ceremony? What is its origin?" I reached out and touched the Phallum again. It wasn't as cold to the touch as I expected. It seemed to be generating an internal heat that was pulling at the edges of my magical senses like something was missing to make it complete.
"Yes and no. It is an ancient ceremony, but it has a practical use to this day. The magical properties of the Phallum can help the Sisters find you if anything ever happened to you."
I felt a shiver of dread course through me. "What happens to the Phallum if I die?" I wasn't sure if Morgan was annoyed at my many questions or if answering them was just part of her job. I mustered up some courage to pick the Phallum up from the box and hold it. It was heavier than it looked.
"When you perish, the enchantment between you and the Phallum is broken, and it turns into dust. It's why the floors of the Hall of Innocence are never swept and you must enter barefoot. So that the memory of every Lady who has given her maidenhood and innocence to the Sisterhood and died, stays with you when you leave. I have yet to visit it, as very few are allowed."
"And every Lady who is not wed by the Sisterhood must… give her maidenhood to the Order using a Phalum?"
"Yes," Morgan said and I eyed her.
"Does it… hurt?"
"It doesn't have to." Morgan shrugged, still staring into my eyes.
"I've never learned the ritual," I admitted. "They didn't teach us any of this at the college."
"I know. It's because you don't perform the ritual, Lilith." Morgan looked at me pointedly. "I do."
My lips parted with surprise. "You perform the ritual on me with… this?" I lifted the Phallum and glanced at it before returning my gaze to Morgan. A small smile crept onto her lips.
"Pretty much. It's no bigger than the average man and I am probably gentler than most of them. Morgan tried to calm me with a humorous tone to her voice.
"Have you ever done this to anyone?" It's not that I didn't trust Morgan's capability, I was mostly curious.
"Well, no. I have had it done to me and I have seen it done to other Initiates."
"Oh Goddesses! People will be watching?"
"Oh no! Of course not! I would not do that to you!" Morgan wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "Remember Paya, my overly-zealous Mistress?" Morgan asked.
I nodded in reply and Morgan continued. "She performed the ritual on me. Then, on at least a dozen other Initiates over the years I was her apprentice. I watched, along with my fellow apprentices, as we all needed to learn. Paya had quite a few of us." Morgan paused. "Paya is a cold-blooded old cunt," she eventually said. I never expected to hear a Mistress speak this way. "To her, this was all about faith, loyalty and tradition. She didn't care about the Initiates. Only about what she could mold them into."
"And to you?" I dared ask.
Thunder rolled again, this time closer. I could hear drops of rain beginning to strike against the shuttered windows.
"It's an obligation, a tradition and a way for your Sisters to find you if you ever need help. It's a dangerous world out there for a woman. Especially a Mage." Morgan gently stroked my head. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I reached out to Morgan with my mind and the warm embrace of her thoughts and intents enveloped me in a sense of safety.
"There are two ways this can happen." As Morgan spoke I surrendered to that warmth. "You can either close your eyes and think of the Sisterhood, or you can let me… try and make it a pleasant experience." I opened my eyes.
"Pleasant experience?" I echoed.
"I can make it very pleasurable for you, if you let me."
I thought about it for a moment. I've never given too much thought to how I might lose my so-called virginity, nor did I particularly care. At the college, we learned that sex was a means to an end, even though it was a world of fun and pleasure. The first time was only that – a first time of many. I never considered it would be with a woman. Especially a Mistress. I had no doubt she knew what she was doing but it still felt… awkward. Perhaps it was the discussion that made me uncomfortable. Did most people discuss their upcoming defloration in such manner?
The rain outside got stronger.
"I’ve been preparing for this for a good portion of my life," I said eventually, still clinging onto the feeling of Morgan’s mind against mine. "There is no other person I would choose to do this over you. I trust you with my life and my body." I meant it. At the time, I had no idea why, but I did. Perhaps it was because she was the first person to touch my mind and open hers to me. I knew she sensed my honesty because Morgan smiled at me, her eyes soft and comforting. I put the Phallum back in its box and handed to her. "I'm ready, Mistress," I said before she could ask. She nodded..
I stood up and undressed. Morgan could tell I was nervous, but she probably didn’t need to. Any girl in my position would be. I could sense her thoughts brushing against mine like distant whispers on a warm summer wind. Morgan rose from the sofa and removed the cover from her bed, revealing smooth black sheets. She eyed me and I quietly walked over to the bed and lay down. I breathed deeply and spread my knees as far apart as I could. The palms of my hands were sweating.
"We can stop at any time," Morgan said as she sat down between my legs. "And if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable and I do not sense it, you will tell me."
"Yes, Mistress." I tried to look as calm as I could. I wondered if perhaps the whole idea of closing my eyes and thinking of the Sisterhood was a better approach. I've never even imagined myself with a woman before. What was I even expected to do now aside from lie there?
"Close your eyes and breathe," I heard Morgan in my mind. I obeyed. I heard the box. Then a bottle cork. I tried to focus on breathing. "Listen to your body." Morgan’s thoughts soothed my mind.
I felt her hands. Warm, smooth with oil, delicate. They brushed against my labia and I shivered. She touched me again and I dared not open my eyes. She rubbed the lips slowly, her fingers slipping against my clitoris as her hand moved. The movements became smaller, more focused around the tiny mound of flesh that sent shivers down my spine every time she pressed or pulled at it.
Morgan was right. When I managed to stop thinking and feeling embarrassed, I just listened to my body. And my body spoke pleasure and passion and anticipation. My body wanted this as much as the clouds of autumn wanted to unburden the rain they held before the summer. I moaned. Only a little, but it echoed in my mind against Morgan's thoughts. She heard it too. My hips began their uncontrollable dance of pleasure, and Morgan's fingers did their magic against my clitoris. I moaned again, a little louder this time, and my toes curled. The warm ball of pleasure in my stomach grew gradually, ready to explode as my hips rose and fell under Morgan's capable hand. I was panting, eyes still closed.
"I call upon thee, Goddess of Magic and Lady of the Heavens, to receive this sacrifice and accept this girl into your Sisterhood of daughters, for the remainder of her life," Morgan chanted in a calm, low voice. I felt the warm buzzing of the Phallum against my flesh. It was hungry. It wanted the part of me that it was meant to contain. Thunder roared outside, the rain pouring against the walls of the castle, making the whole building sing with the echoes of tapping.
Morgan continued her chant in one of the ancient languages I learned in the college. I recognized some words like blood, magic and Phallum. While my mind tried to translate the words as they floated past my consciousness, my body had different plans. Morgan's fingers on my clitoris moved faster, harder, tugging and grinding against the aroused flesh. My sweaty hands grasped at the sheet.
I opened my eyes and Morgan's gaze was there, her eyes a warm storm of blue and black. She smiled at me softly as I struggled to keep my eyes locked with hers until I could no longer. I felt a kind of pressure against my vagina and as the orgasm cascaded through me, I felt like something filled me, like something completed me and pressed just on the right spot to keep that orgasm rocking me against the Phallum, thrusting it deeper into me for what seemed like several minutes.
When my body eventually collapsed, I eyed Morgan and asked with a panting voice, "Was that… it?" Morgan smiled at me and nodded. The rain seemed to be quieting down. I watched the Mistress quietly place the Phallum in its wooden box and close it. I watched my name, Lilith Sunkissed, appear on the lid in magical writing. I couldn't tell if it was Morgan's magic or that of the enchanted object within the box. She carefully closed my legs as she got up. I knew she sensed I could not move them myself, still calming down from the rush of orgasm. I felt slightly sore between my legs when my thighs touched.
"How do you feel?" Morgan asked.
"Odd. It was almost like I was looking forward to drawing power from… this. But didn't." Morgan smiled but didn't reply. "I also feel like I've worn panties a size too small for a few days," I added, grimacing a little.
"Oh, that heals faster than you think," the Mistress replied casually. "But you should rest." The tone of her voice was slightly concerned. "While I make my first ever visit to the Hall of Innocence to… deposit your Phallum." Morgan sighed. "When you feel up to it, look for me in the bath where I will be furiously scrubbing the soles of my feet to get all the dead Lady virginity out them."
I couldn't help but laugh and Morgan laughed with me. She covered me with a blanket and kissed me on the forehead like she had the night before. It was pleasant and sweet.
"Thank you," I said as she was about to leave me to doze in her bedroom. "For making this… pleasant."
"Thank you for letting me," she replied and eyed me again. Her thoughts brushed against mine with that reassuring warmth. "It beats the alternative."
Once alone, I reached down to the sore spot between my legs. It was still slippery from the oil Morgan used and… something else. When I lifted my hand and looked at it, I saw blood. I wiped it on the black sheet and closed my eyes. I expected to feel different somehow, but I didn't. I was a woman, but I was still… me. Now I was a Lady of the Order and the Sisterhood had a piece of me, forever. At the time, that didn't seem worrying to me, only odd.
I inhaled Morgan's scent from the pillow and snuggled into the blanket. I felt safe. Morgan would wake me if I overslept again, and part of me thanked her for just letting me lay there and… adjust. She guided me on this path and so far I didn't get the sense that she was particularly displeased. She wouldn't have offered to make the ritual easier for me if she didn't at the very least like me.
The rain dripping softly outside lulled me into a pleasant nap.
My endless gratitude to the wonderful ladies (and gents) at @isleofwrite (and an extra THANK YOU to @jrhughes , my shoulder to whine on) for reviewing, editing and holding my shaky hand. Make sure to follow @mistress and catch the next chapter next Saturday.
P.S. Yes, I will start recording myself reading the chapters and upload to @dsound this week. Those will get resteemed to @mistress as well. If you happen to know where I can find a free background soundtrack I can legally use - please let me know!
It's my fault, really.
I started reading before being ready for it.
Until I reached ..."You can either close your eyes and think of the Sisterhood, or you can let me… try and make it a pleasant experience."
Stopped. Immediately.
I ran (well, sorta...) to make myself a Bombay Sapphire and Tonic. (2 limes)
... and came back to finish.
Slowly. the words languidly rolled from your pen, to page, to me.
It was wonderful. Warm.
... and so good.
I love this journey we are on, with the Sisterhood, With mistress Morgan, and with each new step our young initiate Lilith takes!
...thank you for so much warmth, and depth, in your words.
It's comments like yours that make me go back to the document and type some more. Next chapter may or may not be dedicated to whoever pushes me to write it.
I'm not angling for a dedication, but I have so many questions... don't leave me hanging.
So close, and yet, no release...?
Is Lilith learning to be a good little submissive girl? Or, is Lilith really learning from her Mistress, how to be a powerful Mistress of her own one day? She's certainly learning how to enjoy and to receive. But when does she learn to command? and to take her pleasure?
uhg, exactly @bluefinstudios, exactly. SO MANY QUESTIONS>
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OMG this is hilariously awful. Porn read out by automated voice is just... My sides... I can't breathe.
Yeah, that was not what I was expecting when I clicked the audio version LOL
It's like being in the back booth at an adult bookstore with Stephen Hawking.
About as unsexy as it gets.
Correct. But I laughed too hard.
Wow Morgan certainly sounds like she has a talent 😅
She has many.
Looking forward to reading more!
Perfect story to read before the bedtime! I just finished writing a fictional short story. I hope to see these characters wonder in my thoughts while dreaming. If that happens its going to be a sexy night:) Loved the magical words you choose to associate feelings with them. Resteem!
Have you checked out the FMA?
Maybe they have, what you are looking for :)
Loving the relationship between Lilith and Morgan. Once again, can't wait for next week!
I really enjoyed reading that! You are so talented :D
Thank you! Now if I could only get in the right mood to write the next chapter... No, no sexy time in the upcoming one. Sorry to disappoint.
I love this journey we are on, with the Sisterhood, With mistress Morgan, and with each new step our young initiate Lilith takes!
...thank you for so much warmth, and depth, in your words.
I love how the outer weather seems to match her inner weather - the thunder and lightning, then the gentle rain after the storm. I also love the foreshadowing. At the time, that didn't seem worrying to me, only odd. to me, that sounds like later on she'll see reason to worry... to feel less safe than she does now. Looking forward to the next installment!
love to read it, i like it, have a nice day..