Maratha triumph over Demonic Muslim Rule =====================

in #writing7 years ago

Although the Maratha defeated the Muslims rule over 80% of Bharat under the heavy blow of maratha sword and spear, the marathas did not try to converts the less Lucky hindu male, women, children who were forcibly converted into the rotten life of Islam.
These less fortunate muslims brought up from birth under islamic influence.
These future progeny of the hindu converts became the inveterate enemy of hindus and became the wolf living in the Asesop's fables , with the devilish ambition of converting rest of the hindus to islam.
When the various sardars of maratha army returning to Maharashtra after the triumph over Muslim land ,these freshly converted muslim must be feeling a sense of satisfaction with a sorrow deep down inside heart.

How eagerly these unfortunate hindu converts and especially the women must have hastened to crowd the windows, door, fissures and small opening of those Muslim prison like houses and cottages to have at least a fleeting glimpse of of those martial processions!

This is only the lack of will of the Marathas to convert the unfortunate brothers and sisters back into hindu fold.
If only a gay blast from the maratha bugle had rung out and every village assuring the people in some such manners, " come, o you, Hindu mothers and sisters, come join, you who have been wickedly polluted and forced to do all sorts of menial and dirty wretched work in the Muslim household, come out, come under our protection! We, your foster brother have come to your door in order to rescue you and take you to your respective families. Which ever Muslim come to obstruct you die instantly, that Muslim may be Man or woman. O you helpless converts converted hindu brethren come, join us when and where you can, join our rank. The moment you come under the saffron banner , you will have every short of protection " . By this the maratha can truely able to make a hindu rastra.

Maharaj chatrapati Shivaji was a great leader but failed to understand the Islamic doctrine. And showed a perverted sence of virtue in religious tolerance .
Although he was a great king who fought with the melacha and get political victory by triumphing over Muslim ruled land.
But failed to understand the importance of religious victory which can only be attain by a more rigorously furious conversation of the former hindus who fallen in to the deep hole of the devilish cult islam.
His perverted sence of virtue proved to be definitely weak and suicidal in comparison with the diabolically ferocious religion of Mohammedian.

All the political victory of his army proved to be gone in vain as the deceptive and super cunning Muslims not only get all kinds of civil rights but also thrived as a whole nation inside our nation.

This results as the partition in 1947 . But our gullible hindus still didn't get any lessons from the past experiences which they are going to pay with their blood, wealth and land in the coming days for the biggest sin they committed by letting muslims to live and breed like Crocroaches.

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