- Men can be aroused anytime, anywhere, by anyone. Meanwhile, new women can be excited if preceded by a romantic dinner accompanied by flowers.
--- Men can be aroused anytime, anywhere, by anyone. Meanwhile, new women can be excited if preceded by a romantic dinner accompanied by flowers.
Scientific research says, men's sexual desire is not only stronger, but also more to the point than women. It's no secret, that women involve his emotions to decide whether he wants to have sex or not with a man.
According to Edward O. Laumann, PhD., Professor of sociology at the University of Chicago and author of The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States, women's sexual desire is strongly influenced by the environment and context.
Understanding how sexual desire works between two beings of different kinds of God's creation will lead you to a better level of relationship and understand each other. Experts believe that healthy sex will affect the overall health of a person.
- Men think a lot about sex
Of course this is no secret anymore. Most men under the age of 60 think about sex at least once a day. Meanwhile, women who think about sex every day, the number is only a quarter compared to men. With age, fantasy about sex in men and women are all reduced, but men still fantasize twice a day.
Research by Roy Baumeister, social psychologist Florida State University, found that men's sexual desire is spontaneous and their sex fantasies are more varied than women.
- Men are more actively seeking out their desires than women
This is because men are more in need of sex than the opposite sex. For men, it is not taboo to have sex early and in the middle of a relationship, including after their personal relationship with a woman has ended years ago.
Activity is not just experienced by heterosexual men. Homosexual men are actively looking for people who can be a sex partner. Baumeister's research also concluded that men want to have more than one sex partner and prefer casual relationships.
Because looking for a sex partner is not as easy as buying candy in a store, two-thirds of men admit they often masturbate to calm her lust. In contrast, only 40 percent of women claim to resort to masturbation to ease their desires and are rarely done.
- Female passion is difficult to resurrect
During this time, men are always looking for ways to arouse passion pasanganya.Dahukah you, even women themselves often do not know how to arouse his own passion. Researchers from Northwestern University, Meredith Chivers et al., Have studied a group of heterosexual men and women and homosexual men. Researchers asked them to watch some pornographic films.
The result: Hetero men are aroused by male-female sex scenes and women. homosexual men are sexually aroused by male sex scenes. While the hetero woman, is both surprising and confusing, aroused by male-female scenes, women and men.
"Men are very rigid and specific about who they fall in love with and want to have sex," said J. Michael Bailey, a researcher from Northwestern University. Meanwhile, women are more open and not specific in determining to whom they want to relate.
It also shows that women are more likely to be attracted to their peers than men. We do not say that all women will have same-sex relationships, but women have more capacity than men, "Bailey said.
- Female sex desire is strongly influenced by social environment and cultural factors
In his review, Baumeister points out that women's sexual attitudes, practices, and desires are heavily influenced by the environment. as an example; Women who diligently go to places of worship tend to be more closed about sex.
While the men, it tends to show no relationship between religious attitudes and their sexual desires. Women with higher levels of education are more likely to practice various sex variations.
Why the sex drive of women seems weaker? There is a theory that says that this is influenced by the position of men who are considered as strong and leaders in society.
However, Laumann prefers sociobiological approaches that are genetically programmed women are not too indulgent and cautious, because they are the parties who will bear the 'burden' of sex that is pregnant and take care of the baby.
Women tend to be more sensitive to the quality of relationships, because they want couples who are willing to help take care of the child. They are also more likely to choose men with adequate resources to support the existence of children. Because, when pregnant and have children, women for some time will be more limited movement steps.
- Female libido is less responsive to drugs
Male sex drive is more to the point is because the biological, brain and hormone created so. Therefore, it is not surprising that the decrease of desire or dysfunction problems in men more easily overcome.
Mostly, men's sexual problems are quite treated with certain medications. While in women, the sexual problem is more complicated and often related to psychological or mental affairs, so it needs an emotional approach that usually takes longer.