Writer needing help with new platform

in #writing7 years ago


Hello steemit! I really could use some advice from you guys. I’m about to start writing on a new platform. It’s geared toward what I would call a pre teen to young adult audience. Seems like most of the stories on it are romance the ones that aren’t straight romance are mysteries with romance added. Or adventure with romance added. And although it isn’t really my style, I think I could do okay on the platform. I wanted to do a futuristic/dystopian piece but I’m worried it’s to far out their for their readers. Normally I don’t do romance. I don’t even include it in what I write, but should I? At least for this first piece? Have the romance added. Or just do a straight romance cliche Nicholas Sparks romance story to start gaining a following? I’m really not sure what to do but I really want to get started. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Also since this platform is set up to do it in chapters I couldn’t start my first story as a romance and wait for the dystopian till later and just abandon the first romance story. If there were people reading it I’d feel terrible just abandoning it.


Write whatever you want, not what you feel will give you a following. If you write what you're passionate about that spark, intensity, and feeling will shine through your work and people will be drawn to that. That's how you get followers. :)

While I agree with @snowmachine about writing what you are passionate about, a romantic interest of some kind seems to make a work fly. Look at what people read, and you usually find the romance or some type of love interest. It is sort of a universal. Does not have to be an all out "romance" to carry a few elements. I would advise adding it in and seeing if it works. If it works, keep it. If it does not work, you still learn something.

Maybe I should try posting the story line on here first for some feed back before I put the first chapter out on the other platform. I don’t hate romance novels per say, I’m just sick of the cliche nature they all seem to have. Girl, normally poor but brave and smart. Guy one, good hearted, but is seen as just a friend by here. Guy two, big, muscles, every other girl wants him, but he only has eyes for her. 🙄🙄🙄 it’s so over played.

Thanks. ❤️ I needed to hear that. This platforms been out for so long and there are a lot of heavy hitters on it. But it’s all the SAME! It’s so....obnoxious with now copy and pasted it all seems. Even worse, they’re all female POV. Even though I’m a woman, I’ll probably write a few with a male MC, just to give the male readers on there something to have. Again thanks! I needed that. ❤️

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